

分类: 英语词汇 

公车私用 personal use of public vehicles

隐瞒不报个人事项 failure to report personal matters,such as true income, assets, children and marriages

出入高档会所,私人会馆 frequent visits to private clubs or expensive resorts

家风败坏 indulging in corruption of family members

与他人通奸 committing adultery

妄议中央大政方针 speaking ill of government policies

在党内搞团团伙伙 forming factions and cliques

搞迷信活动 engaging in superstitious activities

收受贿赂 taking bribes

挪用公款 embezzling public money

买官卖官 selling or buying government positions

徇私枉法 bending laws for personal ends

腐化堕落 living a corrupted lifestyle

失职渎职 failing to fulfill their duties

权色交易 trading one's power for sex

利用职务便利为多人谋取利益 taking advantage of one's posts to seek profit for others

