
take care of、care for、look after

分类: 英语词汇 

在一些情况下,搭配 “take care of、care for” 和 “look after” 的意思是基本相同的,它们都可以表示 “悉心照顾” 的意思,比如 “照料小孩子、老人、病人和宠物”。不过,在表达这个含义的时候,搭配 “take care of” 和 “look after” 相对更常用。我们来听三个例句。


My parents took care of my dog.

My parents cared for my dog.

My parents looked after my dog.


上面说到,在表示 “照顾、照料” 的时候,搭配 “take care of” 和 “look after” 要比 “care for” 更常用。

另外,在谈论像个人财物这样没有生命的物体时,我们可以用搭配 “take care of” 和 “look after” 来表示 “保管他人所寄存的物品”,而不用搭配 “care for”。来听两个分别用 “take care of” 和 “look after” 表示 “保管” 的例句。


I put my stuff in storage, but the company didn't take care of it properly. Some of my things are damaged.


I looked after my friend's belongings while she moved house.



先来说 “take care of”。“Take care of” 可以表示 “处理、负责某项事宜或某个问题”,它常用在但不限于商务语境中。我们来听三个例句。


There was an issue with the order numbers, but Jackson took care of it.


My boss needs me to take care of some broken links on the website.


Don't worry – I'll take care of organising the online party while you rest.


接着,介绍搭配 “care for”。“Care for” 有 “喜欢某人,对某人有爱意” 的意思,类似于动词 “love”。注意:“care for” 的这个用法比较正式。来听一个例句,其中,“care for” 表示 “爱,喜爱”。


I care for her deeply. My wife is everything to me.


如果你想表示 “不喜欢,不关心”,那么,你可以用搭配 “care for” 的否定式 “not care for”。来听两个例句。


I don't really care for his new song. I prefer his last album.


I didn't care for that cake. It tasted horrible.


最后,我们看一看搭配 “look after” 所独有的含义。我们有时候会用 “look after” 表示 “在短时间内看管、留意”,类似于表达 “keep an eye on something”。请听一个例句,搭配 “look after” 在句子中表示 “看管”。


Could you look after my bag while I buy the tickets, please?


好了,我来归纳一下搭配 “take care of、care for” 和 “look after” 之间的异同。

首先,它们都可以表示 “悉心照顾某人”。注意:在谈论 “保管他人寄存的无生命物体” 时,我们只能用 “take care of” 和 “look after”。另外,“care for” 还有 “喜欢,喜爱”的意思,不过,用法比较正式;只有 “take care of” 可以表示 “处理、负责”;“look after” 可以表示 “暂时看管”。

