
modify, revise, amend, alter

分类: 英语词汇 

“Modify”、“revise”、“amend” 和 “alter” 都有 “修改,改变” 的意思,不过它们的具体用法却不同。

首先,来看动词 “modify”、“revise” 和 “amend” 之间的共同点。这三个动词都可以用来谈论和法律有关的话题。其中,“modify” 多用来表示 “变更”,而 “revise” 和 “amend” 则更常用来谈论在发现错误或不充分的部分后 “作出修正、修订”。来听三个例句。


The law has been modified to ensure a higher minimum wage.


They amended the law to permit the new traffic system.


The government are revising the law with the intention of ending sales of diesel cars.


接着,我们具体来分组对比这几个动词。先说一说动词 “modify” 和 “alter”。“Modify” 可以表达 “对事物本身的用途进行改造”,比如 “改造汽车、服饰等”;而 “alter” 则强调 “对事物的属性作出一些很小的改动”,比如 “改变发型、发色和衣物的剪裁样式等”。听四个例句。


I modified my trousers to become shorts.


I modified the engine of the car to run on bio-fuel.


I decided to alter my hair colour after someone saw a grey hair!


His trousers were too long, so I altered the length of them.


继续对比动词 “modify” 和 “alter” 之间的区别:虽然两个词都可以用来谈论一个人行为上的改变,但 “modify” 通常表示 “改善行为”,而 “alter” 则可以表示 “改好”,也可以是 “变坏”。听两个例句,对比句子中两个动词的区别。


After someone commented on his bad language, he decided to modify his way of speaking.


The jet lag from the long flight altered my sleep patterns. I had some really bad nights.


接着,来看 “modify” 和 “revise”。这两个词都可以用来谈论 “改善、改良计划或想法”。我们来听两个例句。


The sales team was asked to modify the promotion after they failed to bring in new sales.


The initial plan needed to be revised after several issues were raised.


动词 “revise” 还可以表示 “因为出现新证据而改变” 或者 “在参考了官方统计数据后作出调整”。


The government revised the number of unemployed after the survey.


The company's management revised their marketing emails after several complaints.


“Revise” 和 “amend” 都能用来谈论 “修改文本”。听两个例句。


The author revised his book after the publisher sent it back.


The lawyer noticed an issue in the document and amended it.


总结一下:我们用 “modify” 来表示 “变更法律、计划;改造事物的用途;改善行为”。 “Revise” 强调 “修正、修订文本、计划、想法等”。“Amend” 常用来谈论和法律有关的话题,表示 “修正、修改法律或法律文件”。最后,“alter” 常用来表示 “对事物的属性稍作更改;改变人的行为方式”。

