
raze, ravage, ruin

分类: 英语词汇 

“Raze、ravage” 和 “ruin” 都可以作动词使用,意思也都和 “摧毁” 有关,但并不完全相同。

首先,看动词 “raze,R A Z E”。“Raze” 通常表示 “彻底摧毁城镇、村庄、建筑物等结构”。我们常用 “raze” 的被动结构,加上 “to the ground”,来表示 “某物被夷为平地”,即 “be razed to the ground”。听两个例句。


The whole suburb was razed to build a new development.


The old building was razed to the ground by the bulldozer.


说完了 “raze”,接着看 “ravage,R A V A G E”。“Ravage” 作动词时表示 “蹂躏,摧残”,它强调 “造成非常严重的,甚至是长期的破坏”。来听四个例句。


The neighbourhood was ravaged by a tornado. All the residents had to find shelters elsewhere.


Volunteers are planting trees in areas ravaged by wildfires a few years ago.


The once beautiful island has been ravaged by tourism – now its beach is filled with rubbish.


His lungs were ravaged by smoking.


除了作动词以外,“ravage” 也可以作名词使用,常用作复数,表示 “损坏,破坏”。比如:“the ravages of time(岁月的摧残)”。请听例句。


The building has suffered the ravages of time.


“Ruin, R U I N” 作动词时,既可以表示 “完全毁坏一个实物”,也可以表示 “完全毁掉某件事情的价值或乐趣”。我们听三个例句。


That fire almost ruined my house.


I accidentally knocked over my coffee and ruined the entire drawing!


Sarah lost her passport and that ruined our holiday. We had to cancel all our plans and go home.


最后,“ruin” 作可数名词时指 “断壁残垣,废墟”。来听一个例句。


Divers discovered the ruins of an ancient city under the sea.


上面我们讲到:动词 “raze” 表示 “彻底摧毁城镇、村庄、建筑物等”;“ravage” 既可以作动词也可以作名词,意思是 “摧残”,强调造成非常严重的破坏;动词 “ruin” 表示 “完全毁掉某物”,既可以是一个实物,也可以是一件事情的价值、乐趣,作可数名词时指 “废墟”。

