

分类: 英语词汇 

让我们从 “lucky” 这个词开始讲。“Lucky” 是名词 “luck(运气)” 的形容词,意思是 “幸运的”,形容一件好事的发生并不是因为能力或技巧,而是机缘巧合。

举个例子,我们可以用 “lucky” 或 “have good luck” 来形容一个中了彩票的人 “运气好”,因为选择号码这件事情并没有技巧可言,中奖只是碰巧而已。“Lucky” 的反义词是 “unlucky(不走运的,倒霉的)”。来听三个例句。


You were so lucky to be chosen to take part in the show.


Two lucky winners will win an all-expenses paid holiday to the Maldives!


You were unlucky not to get tickets for the rock concert; there were so many on sale.


我们也可以用 “lucky” 来表示 “万幸,幸好”,强调偶然地改善或躲过一个不好的情况。


It's lucky you turned up when you did.


You were lucky to survive that accident.


We turned up at the hotel very late, so we were lucky to get a room.


接下来,说一说 “fortunate”。“Fortunate” 的意思和 “lucky” 很像,也是 “幸运的”。但 “fortunate” 突出了与其他人相比,某人的处境更幸运或更有优势。有时候,我们可以用搭配 “fortunate enough” 表示一个人是多么的幸运。听四个例句。


We were fortunate to have enough savings to buy the house we wanted.


My grandfather was fortunate enough to be in good health. He lived to a good old age.


We were fortunate enough to live on a hill, so our house didn't flood.


I'm in a fortunate position to live near the office, so I have a short commute.


下面,我们来讲 “blessed”。形容词 “blessed” 的原意是 “好运是上天赐予的”,更普遍地用来表示某人 “在特定方面有福气,有福分”,是后天无法得来的。比如,“be blessed with something” 的意思是 “幸运地拥有某物”。来听三个例句。


You are blessed with a talent for learning new languages.


On holiday, we were blessed with sunshine every day.


I am so blessed to have two beautiful children.


最后,来说一说 “auspicious, A U S P I C I O U S”。这是一个相对正式的词,它和运气无关,而是形容 “某件事情预示着一个美好的、成功的未来”,也就是 “吉祥的,吉利的”。听三个使用了 “auspicious” 的例句。


His career as a footballer had an auspicious start.


Her brilliant show was an auspicious start to her acting career.


After the successful project, it was an auspicious time to ask for a promotion.


总结一下,“lucky” 和 “fortunate” 都用来谈论偶然的好运,与能力或技巧无关,“fortunate” 突出了与他人的处境相比更幸运;“blessed” 的意思是 “有福气”;“auspicious” 的意思是 “吉利的,吉祥的”。

