

分类: 英语口语 

外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise

我们辨别的标准是看这样做是否有利于发展社会主义的生产力,是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力,是否有利于提高人民的生活水平。 The criterion for our judgment is whether the move facilitates the development of socialist productive forces, whether it helps increase the overall national strength of a socialist country, and whether it brings about better living standards.

畜牧业 animal husbandry

要人们警惕右和"左"的影响,特别是"左"的根深蒂固的影响。 to warn people of the influence of both the Right and the "Left" deviations, particularly of the deep-rooted "Left" influence.

一个中心、两个基本点one central task and two basic points 以经济建设为中心,坚持四项基本原则(1)社会主义道路(2)党的领导(3)人民民主专政(4)马列主义毛泽东思想、坚持改革开放 the central task refers to economic construction and two basic points are the four cardinal principles - adherence to the socialist road, to Communist Party leadership, to the people's democratic dictatorship and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought - and persisting in reform and opening.

宏观控制 exercise macro-control

机电产品 Electromechanical products

积极的财政政策 Pro-active fiscal policy

基本生活费 Basic allowances

基石 cornerstone

计划经济和市场调节相结合的机制 a mechanism that combines planned economy and market regulation

家庭联产责任承包制 family-contract responsibility system

结售汇制度 The system of exchange settlement and sales

解除劳动关系 Sever labor relations

解放生产力 liberate/unshackle/release the productive forces

金融监管责任制 The responsibility system for financial supervision

经济安全 Economic security

经济和法律的杠杆 economic and legal leverages

经济计划和市场调节相结合 to combine economic planning with market regulation

经济结构改革。 reform in economic structure

经营机制 operative mechanism

精华、精粹、实质 quintessence

举措 move

靠扩大财政赤字搞建设  To increase the deficit to spend more on development

扣除物价上涨部分 price increase are deducted (excluded)

扩大国内需求 The expansion of domestic demand

拉动经济增长  Fuel economic growth

厉行节约,反对浪费 to practice strict economy and combat waste

粮食仓库 Grain depot

粮食收储企业 Grain Collection and storage enterprise

粮食收购资金实行封闭运行 Closed operation of grain purchase funds

粮食销售市场 Grain sales market

劣质工程  Shoddy engineering

林业 forestry

零售 retail

