

分类: 英语口语 
   1.What is Translation?

Translation and Interpretation

Translation standards:Faithfulness,Expressiveness and Elegance

要求:中文与英文均无语法错误,无错别字,无拼写错误。终于原文结构、实事和内容,翻译时要注意overall understanding在整体全篇的理解的基础上再翻译,意思才能表达准确。

2.Passage Translation

1) A merchant ,whose daughter had married a man with whom it proved she could not get on very well, was surprised some weeks later to see the young lady return home with all her belongings.


The old man listened very attentively to her story, and then went to his desk and wrote a note to his son-in-law, which he gave to his daughter assuring her that her husband would receive her kindly after this.


The pair, on reading the letter, found in it the following notice:“Dear sir,goods that have been selected of one's own free will at my establishment are not to be taken back.” The young couple laughed heartily, and were reconciled.


2) Until the nineteenth century,the Asians were relatively successful in holding the European traders and missionaries at bay.


hold sb. at bay=keep sb. far away,  missionary 传教士

The Chinese court assumed an aloof and patronizing attitude toward these Westerners, keeping them confined(limited) to the southern port cities of Macao and later, Canton.


Canton 广州,  patronizing 傲慢的,惠顾的, aloof 远离的,冷淡的

China's rulers supremely confident in their own tradition, professed little need of Western goods and ideas.


supreme 最大的,最高的,最重要的,profess 声称;自称

Thus responding to a British request for diplomatic representation in Beijing in 1816, the Chinese Emperor avowed that “my dynasty attached no value to products from abroad: your nation's strange wares do not appeal to me in the least,nor do they interest me,”#p#副标题#e#


ware 商品(pl.)

3) 国家不分大小强弱,也不分社会制度和意识形态异同,都一律平等,互相尊重。

All countries ,(whether) big or small,strong or week,will be equal and respect each other regardless of/irrespcet of the differences in social system and ideology.



Any country will not impose/force/press its will on others,or seek hegemony.


The internal affairs of one country will be addressed by itself while the common affairs of the world will be handled by all countries through consultation.



All international disputes will be resolved through peaceful negotiations instead of /rather than/without resorting to force or threat by force.


We are convinced that such a world is in line with interests and aspirations of the people of various country.


We would like to take advangtage of the august/dignified/stately/majestic forum of the United Nations to present the idea of Chinese government and hope/hoping that the statesmen of all countries will take it into (serious) consideration when exploring the future of the world.


求同存异 seek common ground while preserving differences

奉行睦邻友好政策 uphold (pursue) the good-neighbor (good-neighborly) policy

战略伙伴关系 the strategic partnership

中国国际地位显著提高 china's international standing has risen notably

