

分类: 英语口语 

2. Passage Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages only once. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.

Now let us begin passage translation with the first passage.

Passage One:

Since my parents divorce, I have changed from a spoiled child to a reasonably normal college student. Before the divorce, I expected my mother to wait on me. She did my laundry, cooked, and cleaned up after meals, and even made my bed. My father left when I was 15, and things changed. When Mom got a fulltime job to support us, I was the one with the free time to do housework. Also, I got a part-time job on weekends to earn my own spending money. It was hard, but I am glad not be that spoiled kid anymore.

Passage Two:

American companies under government contract are often faced with the choice of buying American-made goods, which are expensive, and foreign-made goods, which are cheap. If the company buys American goods, it may anger taxpayers by failing to keep prices low. But if it buys foreign goods, it may endanger the jobs of American workers. Recently, Congress has passed a law compelling American companies with government contracts to give preference to domestic goods and services.


1. 自从我父母离婚之后,我从一个被宠坏的孩子,转变成了一个通情达理的大学生。在父母离婚前,我认为母亲就应该服侍我。母亲为我洗衣服,做饭,洗碗,甚至还为我铺床。我15岁时父亲离开了我们,然后一切都变了。母亲找了份全职工作来供养我们,我就成了那个有时间来做家务的人。同时,我还在周末做兼职来挣自己的零花钱。生活不易,但我很高兴自己不再是那个被宠坏的孩子了。

2. 与政府存在合约关系的美国公司经常面临这样的选择,究竟购买价格昂贵的美国产的产品,还是价格低廉的外国出产的产品。如果某公司选择购买美国产品,可能会因为未能把价格压低而激怒纳税人。但如果购买外国产品,则可能让美国工人面临失去工作的危险。最近,美国国会通过法律,勒令与政府签过合同的美国公司优先考虑本国产品和服务。

