

分类: 英语口语 

第 1 篇 Passage 1

Read and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:

1997 年 7 月 1 日,中国政府恢复对香港行使主权,香港成为中国的一个特别行政区。依照《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》,香港实行“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方针。香港的社会制度、生活方式保持不变,法律基本不变,整体运作如常。香港依然保持自由港和单独关税地区的地位,外国企业仍然能够在香港自由经商;中文和英文依旧是并列的正式法定语言。香港仍然保持着国际金融、贸易、航运、信息和旅游中心的地位,继续被公认为亚洲乃至全球最具发展活力的地区之一。香港这座现代化的国际大都会,被世人喻为一颗璀璨的东方之珠。祖国的广阔腹地、快速发展的经济和日益提高的国际地位,也必将为香港的发展提供得天独厚的有利条件。我们完全有理由相信,在香港特区政府卓有成效的管治下,在香港 700 万居民的勤奋努力下,香港将变得更繁荣、更美好。

第 1 篇 Passage 1

On July 1, 1997 , the Chinese government resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong . It turned Hong Kong into a special administrative region of China . In accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong follows the principles of "one country, two systems", or said in another way, "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" with a high level of autonomy. The region's social system and lifestyle have been maintained, while the laws practiced in Hong Kong have basically remained unchanged. Hong Kong has retained its position as a free port and a separate customs territory; foreign enterprises can do business freely as before; and Chinese and English are still official languages. The area still remains an international center of finance, trade, shipping, information and tourism. It continues to enjoy a reputation as one of the most dynamic regions in Asia and the world. The metropolis is known as a shining oriental pearl. The vast hinterland of China , with its rapidly growing economy and rising international stature, will also provide Hong Kong with highly favorable conditions for further development. We are confident that, thanks to the effective administration of the SAR Government and the hard work of its 7 million residents, Hong Kong will become more prosperous and more beautiful.

