

分类: 英语口语 



1. 权重:阅读共 6 篇文章 30 个选择题,总分 60 分,占笔试总分 250 分的 24 %

2. 得分: 36 分(答对 18 题)以上

3. 时间: 45 分钟,因不限跨区做题,一定程度上可自行分配答题时间

4. 趋势:

1). 考查单词难度增加:

A. 新闻词: rub ( 05 年 3 月第 8 题)-高口高频词汇

B. 熟词僻义: cure ( 05 年 3 月第 13 题)

C. 外来词 : oolong , chic ( 05 年 3 月 11 - 15 题 ) avant-garde ( 05 年 3 月 25 - 30 题 )

2). 题材多样:除传统话题外,新闻内容凸现( e.g. 05 年 3 月 6-10 题:美国总统选举民主吗?)


得阅读者得天下——整体得分不高: < 55 Section 2: 共 4 篇文章 2 0 个选择题 (50 分 ) Section 5 : 共 3 篇文章 1 0 个简答题 (50 分 )

1. 时间:各 30 分钟 , 但有一定自由度

2. 趋 势 :

1). 长度增加 : 700 - 800 words

2). 话题拓宽 : society, politics, law, economy, environment , scientific breakthrough , art, entertainment, literature, etc.

三、 十大阅读攻略

一 . 分类词汇,一网打尽

1. 中口 : Medicine , Health & Biology, Ecology, Finance & Economy, Architecture, Ethics, and News

05 年 3 月:污染控制 美国总统选举 喝茶有益健康 开车与健康 交通工具发展史 马德里和巴塞罗那的关系

contamination , residual disposal - 环保词汇

2. 高口 : society, politics, law, economy & finance, ethics(bioethics, scientific breakthrough), terrorism, space research, arts and literature, entertainment, etc.

05/03 : 手机发射塔引发环境问题 奴性基因 ( 04/10/17: Times ) 广告电玩游戏 (04/11/29: Newsweek) 星期日今昔 (04/09: Time) 英国大学现金换学位丑闻 失控的温室效应 (04/10/11: Guardian) 俄石油经济 (04/12/06: Business week)

default, bullish, reserve, black gold, creditor, benchmark, deregulation, investment grade, institutional investor, add-on - 经济、金融词汇

infertility , embryo , germ line genetic manipulation , IVF — 医学词汇

二 . 新闻词汇,一考再考

e.g. row : 05/03 高口 Section 5 第一篇 :

Some of Britain's leading universities are embroiled in a “cash for degree” row…

No.1. What is the “cash for degree” row mentioned in the passage ?

02/3 高口 Section 2 第一篇 : There was a lengthy e-mail row between the two sides…

No.2. The word “row” can be replaced by__

(A) negotiation (B) argument (C) communication (D) dialogue

三. 背景知识,举足轻重

1. 05/03 中口第二篇 : 美国总统选举的民主性 : Representative to Congress , Senator , legislature; electoral college system , electoral vote , popular vote , winner-take-all

第一段 :

Democracy is so much a part of our national identity that it almost seems a birthright. But the irony is that, even as we hope to spread democracy elsewhere, we risk preaching the virtues of a form of government we no longer practice ourselves. The upcoming elections, our proudest celebration of democracy, will highlight some of the threats to our government “by the people”.

No. 6. The function of the quotation mark in the last sentence of the 1st paragraph is to _________.

(A)quote what somebody has said (B) emphasize the threats

(C) achieve sarcasm (D) create a sense of humor

—— 类似高口句子功能题

“…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

—— Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, 1863

2. 05/03 高口 Section 2 :

第三篇 : Lancer Evolution , Gran Turismo

第四篇 : dominion of new haven , Sabbath , Blue laws , liturgy , Pope , apostle

Forth commandment—— Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labor, and do all your work; But in the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: in it you shall not do any work…

No. 16. The “blue laws” referred to in the passage____.

No. 18. In writing the sentence “Social conservatives may want to honor the Fourth Commandment, but businesses want the income, states need the tax revenue, and busy families want the flexibility.”, the author ___

四 . 长短兼顾,长句短读

1. 短句与长句 —— 参见中口 02/03 (习题五)第一篇

2. 长句中 : even though , even if , though , although , in addition , not only…but (also), 同位语 , 定语从句 , 并列结构 , 破折号 … 主谓切分 , 不受个别难词影响 —— 参见 03/09 中口第四篇、 03/03 高口纽约地铁

3. 长句都需要读吗?——利用背景知识和主题

e.g. 05/03 高口 Section 2 第 2 篇 : 奴性基因 第一段

Experiments on rhesus monkeys have shown for the first time that animal behavior can be permanently altered, turning the subjects from aggressive to “compliant” creatures. Although the research is intended to advance the treatment of mental illness, it will raise images of the Epsilon caste created by Aldous Huxley to carry out menial jobs in his novel, Brave new world.

No. 6. It can be concluded from the passage that the Epsilon caste created by Aldous Huxley in his novel Brave New World are____.

(A) a kind of slave class who are humble and obedient

(B) a group of mental patient receiving medical treatment

(C) the working people who are involved in manufacturing

(D) hero and heroine in the adventures in the Brave new world

五 . 把握结构,有的放矢

1. 中口文章典型结构:

1). 说明文: 03/09 (习题七) 太极拳 爱斯基摩人的冰屋

2). 并列结构: 03/03 (习题十三) , 03/09 (习题七) 及 instruction 类

e.g. 01/09 第五篇 : So how can you make the most of your new power as a consumer? Here are rules to help you find your way.

3). 主题 + 例证 : e.g. 01/09 ( 习题三 ) 第二篇

Many folk cures… may be more therapeutic than previously suspected. A case in point is that of penicillin…

In parts of South America, a powder…

Another example of folk medicine…

4). 提出问题,分析问题,解决问题:新闻 e.g.01/03 (习题三)第四篇, 05/03 第二篇 - —Tips :新,奇

2. 高口文章典型结构:

1). 提出问题,分析问题,解决问题: 02/03 (习题五) S2 第二、四篇 , 02/09 (习题六) S2 第二篇 , 05/03 S5 第二、四篇

2). 深化主题 : 00/03 (习题一) S2 第二篇 , 02/03 (习题五) S2 第三篇

3). 时间顺序 : 01/09 ( 习题三 ) S2 第三篇 , 04/09 ( 习题十六 ) S2 第三篇 ( 苹果浮沉 ), 05/03 S2 第四篇

4). 正反论证 (Tip: 做好正反记号 ): 00/03 ( 习题一 ) S2 第一、三篇 , 00/09 ( 习题二 ) S2 第二篇 , 01/09 ( 习题四 ) S2 第一、二篇 , 05/03 S2 第一篇 , S5 第一篇

5). 先破再立 : 00/03 ( 习题一 ) S2 第四篇 ( 日本终身雇佣制 ), 01/09 ( 习题四 ) S2 第四篇 ( 干细胞研究 )

