
黑英语 娱乐 活着!

分类: 英语语法 
1.背口诀记单词 电视转播live(实况地) 运动员有five(五个) 一起朝下dive(潜水) 结果撞进hive(蜂房) 只有两人alive(活着) 酒吧间里jive(跳摇摆舞) * 2.识音标,记单词 live adj.活的, 生动的, 精力充沛的, 实况转播的, 点燃的;vi.活着, 生活, 居住;vt.过着, 度过, 经历;adv.以实况地;[习语] live with(忍受),Live and learn!(活到老, 学到老!)。 five num.五five senses(五官), 五个(人或物)。 dive vi.潜水, 跳水, 下潜, 俯冲; n.潜水, 跳水, 下潜, 俯冲;[习语]divesintosthe crowd(冲进人群),take a divesintosphysics(埋头钻研物理学)。 hive n.蜂房, 蜂箱, 闹市;v.(使)入蜂箱, 群居;[习语]hive off( 从团体中分离出来)。 alive adj.活着的, 活泼的;[习语]alive with(充满, 挤满),keep your hopes alive(使希望之火不灭)。 jive n.摇摆乐, 隐语, 摇摆舞;vi.跳摇摆舞, 哄骗,勾引,误导;adj.假的。 3.J:邻里邻外 live---在live后加n变为:liven v.具有活力 dive--- 把dive里的i换为o变为:dove n.鸽子,斑鸠 hive---把hive 里的i换为a变为:have vt.有, 持有 alive---同义词living adj.活着的,现存的,有生命的 反义词 dead adj.死的, 无生命的 jive---把jive里的v换为b变为:jibe vi., vt.嘲弄,嘲笑(at) 4.J:佳句背诵 Live not to eat but eat to live. 要为活着而吃饭, 不要为吃饭而活着。 It is better to die with honor than to live in infamy. 宁可死于名誉中,也不要活在声名狼藉下。 Love is not about who you live with, it's about who you can't live without. 爱不是在意谁和你一起生活,而是离开谁你不能生活。 He that can't endure the bad, will not live to see the good. 不能忍受苦难的人也就活不到幸福的那一天。 He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. 善问者是五分钟的傻瓜,怕问者永远是个傻瓜。 Five groups might live but the sixth will die. 五人的团队可生存,六人的团队会灭亡。 He who would search for pearls must dive below. 想寻真珍珠,必须下水底。 The bee that makes the honey doesn't stand around the hive, and the man who makes the money has to worry, work, and strive. 酿蜜的蜂不会守在蜂窝旁,有钱的人努力奋斗时还在担忧着。 Worms eat you when you're dead; worries eat you when you're alive. 蠕虫吃死尸体,忧虑缠活人。 Don't take life too seriously, you will never get out alive! 不要把生活太当真,否则你永远都活得很糊涂。 There's a little truth in all jive, and a little jive in all truth. 所有的欺诈中都蕴涵点真理,所有得真理中都存在点欺诈。

