

分类: 英语口语 
Photo Finish
What are you doing? 你在 什麽
I think I've got them. 我想我已经拍齐了了
You think you've got what? 你想你已经拍齐了了什
Performing arts--performing arts centers. 表演艺术 表演演艺术中心
I think I've got them all, but I'm not sure. 我想我都已经拍齐齐了 但我不能肯定
I think you have got it, Richard. 我想你已完成了 Richard。
Lincoln Center, home of the Metropolitan Opera, 林肯中心 大都都会歌剧
the New York City Ballet, the New York Philharmonic. 纽约市芭蕾舞团 纽约爱乐的大本营。
Shubert Alley, center of the theater on Broadway. Shubert Alley
And Carnegie Hall. 还有卡奈基音乐 
And the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington. 还有位於华盛顿的的甘 迪表演艺术中心
And the Music Center in Los Angeles. 还有位於洛杉矶的的音乐中心
And the others. I do have it all. 还有其他的。我确确实拍齐了
You have been working on this for some time, Richard. 你从事这工作已有有一段时间了 Richard
I'm glad you feel you've finally put it all together. 我很高兴你终於就就绪了
What now? 下一步呢
Now for the hard part. 现在到了最难的部部分
Oh, you think you're going to have a hard time 你认为需要大费
getting the album published? 才能让摄影集出版版
Well, it won't be easy. 嗯 不很容易。
So, what do you think you're going to do? 那麽你打算怎麽办办
Does the name Harvey Carlson ring a bell? 对Harvey Carlsson这个名字有印象吗
Oh, yes! Harvey Carlson! I remember. 噢 是的 Harveyy Carlson 我记得。
He said I should call him. 他说我可以打电话话给他
He's the publisher of the Carlson Publishing Company. 他是Carlson出版构 司的老 。
He said they need a new book of photographs, 他说他公司需要一一本新的摄影
and he really liked my concept. 而且他真的喜欢我我的想法
So, why don't you call him in the morning? 那麽你为何不明天天早上打个电话给
Do you think I have enough to show him? 觉得我有足够的的照片给他看
I've been through every section with you, Richard. 我和你一起检视过过每个部分 Richard
It's quite complete. 已经相当齐全了。
And now that you're satisfied with the performing arts section, 而且既然 对表演演艺术这部分很满
I think you should show it to Mr. Carlson. 我觉得你应该给Caarlson先生看看。
You're right. My Family Album, U.S.A. feels right. 说的对。我的 美国写真集 不赖。
I'll call in the morning and set up an appointment to see him. 我明天早上就打电电话给他 跟他约个时间去看他
He's going to love your work. 他一定会欣赏你的的作品的
He's going to love your work. 他一定会欣赏你的的作品的
Come on. Let's get some sleep. 走吧 让我们去睡睡觉吧
Is it too early to call Mr. Carlson? 现在打电话给Carllson先生会不会太早了
Seven after nine? No. I'm sure he's in his office. 九点零七分 不会会太早的。我肯定他到办公室了
His number is five, five, five, seven, five, three, two. 他的号码是5 5 5 7 5 3 2。
Five, five, five, seven, five, three, two. 5557532。
Hello. Mr. Carlson, please. 哈 请找一下Caarlson先生。
Mr. Carlson is busy at the moment. May I help you? Carlson先生现在照 忙著呢。我可以为你效劳吗
I'd like to make an appointment with him. 我想跟他约个晤谈谈时间
And your name is ...? 请问你的名字是……
My name is Richard Stewart. 我的名字是Richarrd Stewart。
He told me to call him about my project, 他叫我打电话给他他 跟他谈我的作品计
Family Album, U.S.A. 美国写真集 。
One moment, please. 请等一下。
What's going on? 怎麽样了
I guess they're trying to set up an appointment for me. 我猜他们正设法给给我安排晤谈
Mr. Stewart, I just spoke to Mr. Carlson. Stewart先生 我父崭沼隒arlson先生通了话。
He would like to see you. 他想见你。
But the only time he's available this week 但这星期他有空的的时间只
is tomorrow morning at ten o'clock. 明天早上十点。
Thanks. Thanks a lot. Good-bye. 谢谢。非常感谢。。再见
Well, it's done. Tomorrow morning at a publisher's office. 好了 事情办成了了。明天早晨要到出版社老 的办公室
Oh, it's so exciting, isn't it, Richard? 噢 这太令人兴奋奋了 是不是 Richar
Oh, it's so exciting, isn't it, Richard? 噢 这太令人兴奋奋了 是不是 Richar
Well, finally a publisher will see my work. 好了 终於有一个个出版商要看我的作品了
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, New York City.
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,
Washington, D.C.
The Grand Ole Opry House,
Nashville, Tennessee.
The Gus F. Wortham Theater Center,
Houston, Texas.
The San Jose Center for the Performing Arts,
San Jose, California.
The Music Center of Los Angeles County,
Los Angeles, California.
The Seattle Community Arts Center,
Seattle, Washington.

