

分类: 英语口语 
 In at least one respect, I'm not a typical expatriate teacher of English. Many-perhaps most-of us make our careers teaching overseas. I came out here after many years of teaching and teacher training in England only three years ago, so I'm still relatively a newcomer. And of course I make comparisons. Of course former colleagues ask me what it is like to teach Chinese students? In what ways do they differ from native speakers of English? How do they compare with the students in English schools who are of Asian parentage, but who hardly remember a home elsewhere than in an English city? To these questioners my answer is that Chinese students differ from one another just as do those of any other nationality. The longer I stay, the less I am willing to generalize.


  至少,就某方面而言,我还不能算是最典型的外籍英语教师.我们当中许多人,也可以说大多数的人都是以海外教书为终身职业。我经历多年的教书生涯,而于三年前到英国接受教师训练之后,才来此地任教,因此算是相当资浅的教员。不过,我倒作过不少教学的比较研究。当然,以前的同事总会问我教导中国学生的一些心得;比如,在教法上,中国学生和以英语为母语的学生有何不同? 或者,和就读英语学校,从小又一直生活于讲英语的城市之亚裔学生,又有何不同?针对这类问题,我总是回答,中国学生和其它任何国家的学生一样,也因个性和程度的差异,各有不同。我教书时间愈久,愈不愿以偏概全,一概而论。

