

分类: 英语口语 
     Work, Work Hard!

    The modern farmer spreads the agricultural chemicals on the fields.  当今的农民(用直升飞机)把农药喷洒到田里。

    This woman is washing dishes again.  这个女人又在洗盘子了。

    The farmer is hoeing the fields.  农民在耕地。

    The smith is making shoes for a horse while "braining" his cat.  铁匠在煅马蹄铁时,他的猫听得头铛铛作响。

    This man always has clean floors and wet feet.  这个男人常常弄湿了脚刷洗地板。

    He is hurrying to his office.  他赶着去上班。

    The worker is pounding steel pipes to mend the leakage of water.  管道工为了修缮漏水而敲打着下水道的铁管。

    The husband mows his lawn on Saturdays.  那位丈夫在每个周六修剪草坪。

    Someone is working in the manhole.  有人在(锅炉的)检修孔中工作。

    absent-minded  心不在焉

