

分类: 英语口语 
 When you have got promoted in your office, you will get overjoyed.升官发财可是人生一大快事,可是你生了官,发了财,可要小心一些人开始忌妒,暗地陷害你哟!That's the topic we'd like to talk about!

1. He is green-eyed. 他得了红眼病!

大家都知道,在汉语里面,如果说某人是红眼病,那就说明这个人看到别人取得了成绩就眼红,就嫉妒!It is easy to understand. But here, you should pay special attention to the word "green-eyed".虽然我们汉语里面说是“红眼病”,英文里面却翻译成“绿眼病”!事实上这句话相当于:He is jealous!这里有一个例子:

-Tom and Michael had been once good friends, but when Michael was promoted as the department manager, Tom was not as friendly to him as before. Why?
-He was just green-eyed. He was just jealous.

2. No doubt about it!毋庸置疑!

刚才我们谈到Tom得了“红眼病”,如果这是众所周知的话,你就可以在He was just green-eyed.或者 He was just jealous.后面补充上一句话,说: No doubt about it!毋庸置疑!其实我们经常碰到这样的例子!

-He is a miser, so he will not lend you any money. No doubt about it!

所以这句话你就可以诙谐的翻译为:地球人都知道,他是一个守财奴,你是不会从他那里得到一毛钱的。So we can see, when you are going to state a fact, you can add this sentence in front of or at the end of another.


另外呢,Andy老师还想起在写作的时候我们也常用到这样的一个类似的巨型:It goes without saying that……比如说,

It goes without saying that more and more students can enter the college; It goes without saying that a lot of graduate students are not satisfied with their jobs; It goes without saying that students are beginning to realize the fact that a bachelor degree does not mean a bright future.

毋庸置疑,今天的两个句子你一定记清楚了!He is green-eyed. 他很嫉妒!和No doubt about it!毋庸置疑!

