

分类: 英语口语 
 Happy New Year! Best greetings to my dear netfriends!

1) A little bird told me.有人告诉我.


There was one student who didn't study hard at all. when the exam comes, he would always have to burn the midnight oil in order to pass the exam.But there was one occasion he didn't worry so much because he knew that the exam for the next day was not so difficult. It would be a 100 multiple choice exam. So he thought he could pass it just by throwing the coins in the air to decide which one to choose. So he didn't prepare the exam at all. But finally when the result came out, he noticed he didn't pass. why? The teacher judged also by throwing coins in the air and then making a decision whether to let him pass or not. The coin showed he couldn't pass.

2) He wants a job in an A-list company!他想进入一流公司工作!

A-list=topranking, 一流的

A-list website 一流的网站

A-list teacher 一流的教师

A-list tech wise 一流的网络高手

祝愿我们在新的一年当中永争一流, to take the lead and to be A-list!

