

分类: 英语口语 
      「发音模仿秀」语音模仿,秀出一口漂亮英语!1) They gave the battle.
NOTE1: 注意是gave而不是gave up!
NOTE2: It means that they were beaten.

2) And how.
NOTE1: 注意要用降调,不要念成And how?
NOTE2: It means indeed or certainly.


There will be a football match. Now Andy and Amy are talking about it. Andy thinks that team A is so strong that no other teams can beat it down. Here is the dialogue between them.

Andy: Did team B give the battle?
Amy: No, they didn't.
Andy: Why? That team is so lame.
Amy: Even so, maybe they still want to have a try, you once have said that we should never say die!
Andy: You are smart and have a good memory!
Amy: And how.

1) They gave the battle. 他们认输了。
2) And how. 的确。


Here are three situations:

S1. Please answer my question. Did China win the bid to hold the 2008 Olympic Games?

S2. When you see that your partner is so strong that it is impossible for you to conquer, do you think that you will give the battle?

S3. They didn't take part in the 100-meter race, because they thought that they couldn't win the race. What did they do? Can you tell me?

