

分类: 英语口语 
     「发音模仿秀」语音模仿,秀出一口漂亮英语!1) Money is no object.
NOTE1: 单词object在作动词和名词时发音不同;
NOTE2: Money is not a problem at all.

2) Let the sleeping dogs lie.
NOTE1: lie在这里是“躺”的意思,另外一个意思是“撒谎”;
NOTE2: Don't ask for trouble.


Here is the story.

Tom lives in a rich family, so he never worries about the money. In his mind, money is no object at all. One day, he went to an antique market and spent 100,000 Yuan on a famous painting. After he came back home, his father found that painting was a fake. He was so angry at Tom and said, "you are wasting money everyday. See? It is a fake." Tom said, "Don't worry, dad. I promise I will get a real one next time." "Next time? How dare you say that? Do you think I can produce money without any labour? You are wrong!" Tom was so sorry about that. He kept silent, for he knew that it would be better to let the sleeping dogs lie.

1) Money is no object. 花多少钱不是问题。
2) Let the sleeping dogs lie. 不要惹是生非。


Here are three situations:

S1. He lives in a rich family and spends money freely. One day, he went shopping with his girlfriend. Do you think he would buy her expensive clothing? Why?

S2. He never hesitates to buy anything he wants. What can we learn from this sentence?

S3. The boss is in anger now, so it is better for you to leave him alone. What is the person trying to tell?

