分类: 英语口语
Victor: Hi,大家好,我是Victor,Nancy: Nancy!Victor: 今天我们讨论的Topic是:Nancy:Her handicap is an 11.Victor:这可让我摸不着头脑啊?Nancy:A golf handicap is like a ranking, the lower your handicap is, the better player you are.Victor:golf handicap有点像排名,是指高尔夫比赛中的标准杆数,标准杆的杆数越少,选手的水平就越高。Nancy: A handicap gives the poorer players extra points, making them equal. So a bad player might still beat a good playerVictor:handicap给水平低的选手较高的分数,他也有可能战胜高水平选手!Nancy:Her handicap is an 11.Victor:Her handicap is an 11.Nancy: That's all for today. See you!Victor: See you!