

分类: 英语口语 
The subway system is better, though.
A I'm astonished! You really think your traffic is worse than ours ...
A 我太吃惊了!你真的认为你们的交通比我们的还糟糕...
B Yes, there are more cars, more buses and more noise.
B 是的,我们那里有更多的小汽车、公共汽车和更大的噪音。
A I think there are more bicycles here.
A 我想这里有更多的自行车。
B Yes, that's true. But they don't cause pollution or traffic jams. One thing in New York is much better, though.
B 是的,确实。但是自行车并不引起污染或者交通阻塞。尽管在纽约有一个方面更好一些。
A What's that?
A 是什么?
B The subway. They subway system in New York is much better.
B 地铁。纽约的地铁系统要好很多。

1 The discussion about traffic continues with each person giving their reasons for thinking their traffic problems are worse, such as cars / cars: buses / buses and noise / noise, and, in Beijing, bicycles / bicycles. However, the man from New York says bicycles don't cause pollution / pollution: At least they don't cause pollution or traffic jams. / At least they don't cause pollution or traffic jams.
在关于交通的讨论中,双方继续给出了他们认为自己城市的交通问题更严重的理由,例如:cars /小汽车: buses /公共汽车和noise /噪音,而且在北京还有bicycles /自行车。但是,从纽约来的那位说自行车不会造成pollution /污染:At least they don't cause pollution or traffic jams. /至少它们不会造成污染或者交通阻塞。
2 On a more positive note, he talks about the better subway system in New York: The subway system in New York is much better. / The subway system in New York is much better.
他提到了纽约较好的地铁系统,这是一个更为积极的方面:The subway system in New York is much better. /纽约的地铁系统要好很多。

Key phrases and sentences
I'm astonished! You really think your traffic is worse than ours ...
Yes, there are more cars, more buses and more noise.
I think there are more bicycles here.
Yes, that's true.
But they don't cause pollution or traffic jams.
One thing in New York is much better, though.
What's that?
The subway. They subway system in New York is much better.


