

分类: 英语口语 
Have a good sleep. It’s the best thing for a headache.
A Do you feel better today?
A 你今天感觉好一些了吗?
B No, I’ve still got a headache. And I feel as if I have the ‘flu.
B 不,我还是头疼。我觉得有点感冒了。
A Have a good sleep. It’s the best thing for a headache.
A 好好睡一觉。这是治头疼的最好方法。
B I had a good sleep last night. It didn’t help. I still feel bad.
B 我昨晚睡得很好。但是不管用。我还是感觉很不舒服。
A Maybe you should go to the doctor.
A 也许你应该去看医生。
B I think I should too. I need some medicine.
B 我也这么想。我得吃点药。

Notes 注释
1 You can use the word still / still to describe something which is continuing, eg: Even after a good sleep, I’ve still got a headache / Even after a good sleep, I’ve still got a headache: I still feel bad / I still feel bad.
你可以用still /仍然来描述某个持续的状况,例如 :Even after a good sleep, I’ve still got a headache /即使睡了一大觉,我仍然感到头疼: I still feel bad /我还是感觉不好。
2 Remember should / should for advice, eg: You should go to a doctor / You should go to a doctor..
记住用should /应该提出建议,例如:You should go to a doctor /你应该去看医生。

Key phrases and sentences
Do you feel better today?
No, I’ve still got a headache. 
And I feel as if I have the ‘flu.
Have a good sleep. 
It’s the best thing for a headache.
I had a good sleep last night. 
It didn’t help. I still feel bad.
Maybe you should go to the doctor.
I think I should too. 
I need some medicine.


