

分类: 英语口语 
1.Until we verify,you will drop your weapon or we will drop you.在我们核实之前,放下武器,不然我们就放 倒你

2.There men are in my custody. 我抓住了两个逃犯
   in custody=被拘留

3.I was wondering if you could help a brother out.我想问问你能否帮兄弟我一个忙.
  我们都知道help sb是"帮助某人",help sb out 即"帮助解决难题,帮助摆脱困境,救出 "

4.Remain at large. 仍逃亡在外
   at large=未被捕

5.How a guy goes about getting a hold of one of those prosthetic jobbies. 一个人怎么才能得到假肢? 字串1
   get hold of=得到 ; prosthetic=[医]修补学,装补学

6.He just neglected to tuck in the sheets. 他(医生)只是忽略我了
这里说一下neglect,overlook, ignore的区别,虽然三个单词都表"忽视,忽略"的意思,但neglect指因粗心或遗 忘而没有事,ignore指有意识地拒绝、故意不予理会;overlook指由于草率或没有注意到而忽视某事。
  在搭配上, neglect除了可接sb.或sth.之外,还可接to do sth或doing sth作其宾语,而ignore 后面只可接sb. 或sth.不可接不定式。

7.You sure as hell can figure out how to get a prosthetic for that stump of yours by yourself. 你自然能给自己搞个假肢  
  as hell=表示强调,意为“非常”

  hell 在口语中使用频率很高,经常见到的由hell构成的词组还有:
  1)a / one hell of 表示强调,意思为“极好的/极糟的”。
  e.g. Forrest Gump is a hell of a good soldier. 阿甘是一个绝对出色的士兵
  2)go to hell 去你的,见鬼去吧
  3)feel / look like hell (感觉或气色)很差
  4)the hell表示强调,意思为“到底”


8.with his escape,the aiding and abetting charges the felonies he's racked up along the way,on top of his original sentence,I'd say Mr.Scofield will be spending the rest of his life behind bars.介于他越狱,协助并教唆犯罪等种种重罪指控,我得说Scofield要在监狱渡过余生了
   abet=怂恿,教唆 ; rack up=积累 ; behind bars=坐牢 字串5

9.We're entitled to a phone call. 我们有打电话的权利
   be entitled to do sth.=有权利,有资格做某事

10.So sit tight.所以给我好好坐着
   sleep tight="睡个好觉"

11.What you're asking me to do is tantamount to suicide. 你要我干的事相当于让我自杀
    tantamount to=等价于

12.Pardon my forwardness. 原谅我的粗鲁
     pardon=原谅,宽恕 ; forwardness=卤莽;热心

13.there's sure to be a moment or two of chaos.会有一小会儿骚乱 字串3
    a moment or two=一会儿
    chaos=骚乱,吵杂 (教一个音忆法 chaos--chao+s,用汉语拼音读就是"吵死" ,这个词一下就能记住啦)

14.Refresh my memory. 我回忆一下

15.there is just one teensy-tiny thing i been meaning to ask.我只要求你帮个一个小小的忙
    tessy=[俗]极小的=tiny ; teensy-tiny=小之又小的

16.copy that.收到

17.You just found your inside man,but it's got to be right now. 你们得找个知情人,不过我们现在就得行 动
   inside man=知情人,线人

