

分类: 英语口语 
1.The money was never yours to begin with.本来就不是你们的钱
to begin with=本来,原先

2.you are outnumbered and we will come after you.你人数少,我们会追上你的
 come after 追上

3.i let that psychopath t-bag loose once.我让T-BAG那个变态逃掉一次

4. i didn't mean to startle you. 我没想吓你。

5.in an apparent attempt to avoid jail time.有意逃避入狱 字串6
 avoid+n./doing sth.

6.that stuff on that table is premium.桌子上放着保险费
  premium =n.保险费 a.高价值的
7.here is a list of options available to you.单子上提供的东西对你有用
 available在口语中是常用的词,譬如问别人有没有空"are you available today?",或问座位有没有人占"is the seat available?"

8.Places to stay,business that are more open to hiring men out of the correctional system. 能住的地方,优 先聘用劳改犯的商家。 字串2
  be open to=对...开放; correctional system=引申为教改所

9.without the money,we are screwed 没有钱我们就完了
10.we ran into some car trouble 我们遇到车祸了
   run into=遭遇,撞上

11.They're ladies' clubs -- I'm guessing they're hotter than a monkey's jock strap.那些小妞的酒吧,我猜她们比猴子的护裆还热
Jockstrap是指男用的护裆(打壁球容易被球反弹击中),大家都知道猴子的PP是红的嘛,所以monkey's jock strap红热红热的。。

12.we got to lose the bike. 我们得扔掉这车。 字串7
   throw,leave 用腻了,用用lose也不错

13.from a public relations standpoint,abruzzi and apolskia were by the book.从公众角度出发,(杀)abruzzi and apolskia是按规定的。
by the book=按常规,按规矩

14.your brilliant plan to eliminate sara tancredi from the equation failed.你的伟大的铲除SARA的计划,失败得也如此“伟大”

15.It's a simple strategy,plays across the board. 很简单的策略,广为人知

16.Get some two-bit job? 找份廉价工打打?
   two-bit=二毛五分,即廉价的 字串4

17.and then when you strat running out of air...当你没气的时候
 在学校学的都是“out of breath”

18.i will chain you to this desk until i get some answers i cannot fertilize my lawn with

 这里用了个比喻,i cannot fertilize my lawn with原义“直到我的草坪施肥到不能再施为止”

