

分类: 英语口语 
Do it yourself, then. 既然如此,你自己来吧。【疯狂想像:别人抱怨你没做好的时候说!】 举例: A: That's not the way I wanted it done. 这可不是我想要的方式。 B: Do it yourself, then. 那你自己来呗。 2. That's more like it. 这才像话。【疯狂想像:像个长者一样地说!】 举例: A: Don't talk to your brother that way! 别跟你哥哥那么说话! B: I'm sorry I insulted you, Jimmy. 对不起,我侮辱了你,吉米。 A: That's more like it. 那这像话。 3. That's going too far. 太过分了! 举例: A: Should I buy my girlfriend a car? 我是不是该给我女朋友买部车呢? B: That's going too far. 那太过分了! 4. See. / I told you (so). 我老早告诉过你。【疯狂想像:洋洋得意地、有先见之明地说!】 举例: A: It was stupid of me to go bungee jumping. 我居然去蹦极,真是太蠢了。 B: See, I told you so. 看,我早就这么说。 5. So what? 那又怎样?【疯狂想像:毫不在乎地说!】 举例: A: You're not wearing your seatbelt. 你没系安全带。 B: So what? 那又怎样? 6. I'm counting on you. / You're my only hope. 就指望你了。【疯狂想像:可怜兮兮地说!】 举例: A: Sure, I'll come watch you give your speech. 当然,我会来看你演讲的。 B: Great, I'm counting on you! 太好了,我就指望你了。 7. Do something (about it) ! / Don't just sit there! 想想办法吧!(别闲坐着!) 举例: A: Honey, the garbage needs to be taken out. 亲爱的,垃圾该拿出去了。 B: So, don't just sit there, go do something about it! 那你就别光坐在那儿了,去做点事吧! 8. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁啊?!【疯狂想像:毫不客气地说!】 举例: A: You shouldn't talk to your children that way. 你不该这么跟你的孩子们说话。 B: Who do you think you are? Mind your own business. 你以为你是谁啊?管好自己的事吧。 9. Stop playing the fool. / Don't act stupid. 别装傻了。 举例: A: Honey, would you please put the dishes in the dishwasher? 亲爱的,你能把碗碟放进洗碗机里吗? B: I don't know how to run it. 我不知道怎么操作。 A: Stop playing the fool! 别装傻了! 10. Any complaints? / Do you have something to say? 你有何不满?/你有什么话要说吗? 举例: A: Can I see the work schedule for next week? 我能看看下星期的日程表吗? B: Here it is. Do you have something to say? 这就是。你有什么要说吗?

