
美国俚语:.well-wishers 支持者,好心人

分类: 英语口语 
    1.Don' t screw thsi up."to screw up something ""搞砸了,做错了"
eg: Ken totally screwed up the science experiment and he had to do it all again. Ken把科学试验搞砸了,他不得不重新再来一遍.
Listen, I really want this thing to work so don' t screw it up. 我特别希望这件事能够办成,所以别把它给搞砸了.
2.Will you consent to an interview."consent to sth ""同意,答应做sth"
eg: Did he consent to taking such a low salary for such a high position? 他真的同意高职低薪?
Rachel didn' t consent to the agreement so we have to either create a compromise or try to convince her. Rachel 不同意这个协议,所以我们要不就妥协要不就说服她.
3.I wouldn' t want to share you with all of your well-wishers."well-wishers""祝福者,支持者,好心人"
eg: The singer had millions of well-wishers by the time she finally retire. 这个歌手在告别歌坛的时候已经拥有了无数的支持者.
All of the well-wishers stood on the shore as the boat pulled away from the dock.船起航的时候所有送别的人都站在岸边

