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They played love interest Monica and Richard on Friends.


And Courteney Cox and Tom Selleck had a reunion as they bumped into each other at a bar in New York on Tuesday.


The impromptu meeting between the 54-year-old actress and the 73-year-old actor was caught on tape by Claudia Oshry and tweeted with the caption: 'Spotted in NY: Dr. Richard Burke and Monica Geller saying hi to one another. Shook. What will Chandler say?'

这位54岁的女演员和73岁的男演员的临时会面被Claudia Oshry拍了下来,并在推特上写道:“在纽约发现:理查德·伯克医生和莫妮卡·盖勒互相打招呼。震惊。钱德勒会怎么说?


And fans were ecstatic to see the two beloved sitcom characters embracing as the hit NBC show ran from 1994 to 2004.


A fan shared: 'Now that was a great surprise ; I really always loved both of them; Wow Tom is still handsome and very tall!'



'I'll probably get ugly replies. However, I wish Monica & Richard would of gotten married instead. Richard was more mature for her as a man. 


'Monica starting acting immature when she was with Chandler. Monica deserved better & that was not Chandler.'



