1 . She sat beside her husband through the livelong night.
2 . He likes to and fish all the livelong day.
3 . Also without somebody breathing down your neck all the livelong day!
4 . She has eaten nothing this livelong day.
5 . To tell one's name ? the livelong June?
语源late Middle English leve longedear long (see lief, long). The change in spelling of the first word was due to association with live英英释义网络释义noun1.perennial northern temperate plant with toothed leaves and heads of small purplish-white flowers
2.(of time) constituting the full extent or duration;
all the livelong day
-livelong1 . 整个的
livelock 活锁livelong整个的lively 活泼的
2 . 漫长的
漫长的(livelong), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
3 . 漫长的征途
on the road to the short livelonglife , it might be your friends who can give you happiness it might be your love make you lovely and it might be your career that can enrich you .在人生短暂而漫长的征途上,给你快乐的也许是你的朋友,让你美丽的也许是你的爱人,令你充实的也许是你的事业。
相关词条+the livelong day to1 . 整天地
thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mine with arms outstretched and stands at my door the livelong day to carry back to thy feet clouds made of my tears and sighs and songs .你的阳光射到我的地上,整天地伸臂站在我门前,把我的眼泪,叹息和歌曲变成的云彩,带回放在你的足边。
+the livelong day1 . 整整一天
(一)天英语翻译 ... Day succeeded day. 一天接着一天。 the livelong day 整整一天All day yesterday 昨天一天.
+livelong day1 . 终日
...somebody:A person of importance:重要人物, 有名气的人livelong day:终日, 整天整日bog:An area having a wet, spongy, acidic substrate.
2 . 整天整日
...somebody:A person of importance:重要人物, 有名气的人livelong day:终日, 整天整日bog:An area having a wet, spongy, acidic substrate.
+the livelong summer1 . 漫漫长夏
漫漫长夏the livelong summer 总有一个漫长的夏天2008-06-30 15:53 读心球... 读心术滴网址.