1 . Why does a linguistical relationship exist between native American languages and Asian ( Siberian ) languages?
为什麽有语言学上的关系存在于原生美洲语系和亚洲 ( 西伯利亚 ) 语系?
网络释义 -linguistical1 . 语学的
语言的,语言学的 linguistical语言的;语学的 linguistically linguistician 语言学家 linguistics 语言学 lingula 小舌 Lingulacea 海豆芽总科 lingulae 小舌 LINGULAR.
相关词条+linguist and linguistic1 . 语言学家和语言
Zhao Yuanren is not only an important linguist and linguistic educationalist in the 20th century but also an influential composer and music theorist in modern time .赵元任不仅是20世纪有重大影响的语言学家和语言教育学家,而且还是中国近现代音乐史上一位重要的作曲家和音乐理论家。
+linguistic competence and linguistic1 . 语言能力和语言
what is the difference between linguistic competence and linguistic performance ., 语言能力和语言应用的不同.
+linguistic relativity and linguistic1 . 语言相对论和语言
there are two problems to confront in this arena : linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism .在这一领域将会面临两个问题:语言相对论和语言决定论。
+linguistics and historical linguistics1 . 语言学和历史语言学
descriptive linguistics and historical linguistics描写语言学和历史语言学