1 . The postulated mechanisms include dysfunction of the limbic or serotoninergic system.
2 . These emotions - along with the limbic system - are shared by all mammals.
3 . This functions draw circles to the limbic and pupillary boundary.
4 . The limbic association area integrates information relating to affect, motivation, and emotion.
额叶区域显然是涉及有关运动输出更高的作用, 但颞的枕骨壁联动是涉及口说与书写语言的作用, 边缘的联动区域整合关于情感的讯息.
5 . Smell registers in the primal brain, known as the limbic system.
嗅觉在最初的大脑, 也就是通常所说的边缘系统登记.
行业释义网络释义 医学1.缘的,边的,周边:见system项下
-limbic1 . 边的
limbers 污水道limbic边的limbo 地狱边境
2 . 边缘系统
The postulated mechanisms include dysfunction of the limbicor serotoninergic system ., 假设的机制包括边缘系统或 5- 羟色胺能系统功能障碍.
3 . 脑边缘
of or relating to the limbicsystem ., 脑边缘系统的或与之相关的.
4 . 大脑边缘
when a participant chose the earlier reward , there was an increase in the activity of his limbicsystem .当一个参与者选择了先期报酬时,他的大脑边缘系统活动增强了。
相关词条+limbic and1 . 边缘和
This functions draw circles to the limbic and pupillary boundary ., 此函数提请各界的边缘和瞳孔边界.
+limbic cortex1 . 边缘皮质
边缘系统包括海马区(hippocampus),杏仁核(amygdala),丘脑前核(anterior thalamic nuclei),隔(septum),边缘皮质(limbic cortex)和穹窿(fornix),它们具有管理情感,行为.
+limbic lobe1 . 缘叶
枕叶 occipital lobe缘叶limbic lobe- 基于9个网页
+limbic system1 . 边沿体系
⑹边沿体系(limbic system)下丘脑不是脑中独一节制情绪的部门。脑桥前部、前脑和丘脑的边沿部门(包孕海马体和杏仁体等)也有节制情绪的功效。
2 . 大脑边缘系统
ligature 结扎(线),缝合线limbic system 边缘系统,大脑边缘系统lipoprotein 脂蛋白