

分类: 英文单词 






1 . No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

2 . If you love life, life will love you back.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

3 . When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing.



4 . The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life .


来自金山词霸 每日一句

5 . If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.


来自金山词霸 每日一句


bring (或 come) to life

1 . 复苏,使死而复生

do anything for a quiet life

2 . 尽力不被打扰

for dear (或 one's) life

3 . 逃命似地,拼命地

for the life of me

4 . (非正式)无论如何,即使要我的命

frighten the life out of

5 . 吓掉…的魂

get a life

6 . (非正式)开始过更为充实和有意思的生活,开始新生活

give one's life for

7 . 为…而献身

as large as life

8 . (非正式)[用于强调某人的确在场]确确实实

larger than life

9 . (人)(因外表时髦或行为举止大胆而)引人注目的,(行为、服饰等)与众不同的

life and limbthe life and soul of the party

10 . 社交活跃分子

life in the fast lane

11 . (非正式)快节奏的生活(尤指带来财富和成功的激情生活)

one's life's work

12 . (尤指学术研究或文艺创作)毕生之作;终生事业

lose one's life

13 . 丧生

a matter of life and death

14 . 生死攸关的事

not on your life

15 . (非正式)[用于强调拒绝] 绝不可能,休想

save someone's (或 one's own) life

16 . 救别人(或自己)一命

see life

17 . 见世面,长见识

take one's life in one's hands

18 . 冒生命危险

take someone's (或 one's own) life

19 . 杀人;自杀

that's life

20 . [表示接受无论多么困难的情况]这就是生活,生活本来就是如此

this is the life

21 . [表示对现状心满意足]这才叫生活

to the life

22 . 惟妙惟肖的,活脱脱的

to save one's life

23 . 无论如何都不愿意,死也不肯


as big as life

1 . 与实物一般大小

bring to life

2 . 使恢复知觉

come to life

3 . 变得活跃;变得兴奋

for dear life

4 . 拼命地,绝望地

for life

5 . 终生:直到生命终结

for the life of (one)

6 . 无论如何

not on your life【非正式用语】

7 . 绝对不;无论如何也不

take (one's) life

8 . 自杀

take (someone's) life

9 . 谋杀

the good life

10 . 富裕、奢侈的生活方式

the life of Riley【非正式用语】

11 . 轻松舒适的生活

the life of the party【非正式用语】

12 . 聚会的灵魂人物:在社交场合是人们注意的焦点的活跃的、有趣的人

to save (one's) life

13 . 无论如何:不论某人多么努力

true to life

14 . 栩栩如生的

同义词n.1.生命;生存”释义下的同义词 being existence 反义词n.1.生命;生存”释义下的同义词 death 语源Old English līf, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch lijf, German Leibbody, also to live英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.a characteristic state or mode of living;

social life

2.the course of existence of an individual; the actions and events that occur in living;

he hoped for a new life in Australia

3.the experience of living; the course of human events and activities;

he could no longer cope with the complexities of life

4.the condition of living or the state of being alive;

while there's life there's hope

5.the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death);

the battery had a short life

6.the period between birth and the present time;

I have known him all his life

7.animation and energy in action or expression;

it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it

8.an account of the series of events making up a person's life

9.the period from the present until death;

he appointed himself emperor for life

10. a living person;

his heroism saved a life

11. living things collectively;

the oceans are teeming with life

12. a motive for living;

pottery was his life

13. the organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones;

there is no life on the moon

14. a prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives;

he got life for killing the guard



2. 加叫

3. 再一次击球机会










2. saving appliance 为救助落水人员而设置的专门设备及其附件的总称。




1 . 生活

... . . .是做研究你再感兴趣老泡在实验室总有烦的时候如果没有那么高的兴趣怎么支持你走下去我们搞的生命科学英语叫lifescience所以我们有句话叫We enjoy both lifeand science(我们享受生活享受科学)你不仅仅是science(科学)还有life(生活)所以我们搞科研累了就停下来享受生活调剂一下然后重新上路继续享受科学3上海大学研究员博士生导师郭红卫男.

2 . 生命


3 . 生命的

when I was told last year that my 2yearold son had an illness that threatened his life, I tried to strike a bargain with fated I would do anything , I would trade my old lifeaway , if only he would get better去年当我得知两岁的儿子患了一种危及生命的疾病时,我努力跟命运抗争--只要他能好起来,我什么

4 . 生命中

he lost too much of his life., 他失去了生命中的很多.

相关词条+life (

1 . 人生的方向

most people don't figure things out until much later in life ( if at all ) .大多数的人都是很多年之后才真正找到了人生的方向。

2 . 命的

gadgets : learn about products that can save your life ( or just clutter your closet ) .小玩意:关键时刻救你一命的小玩意,用它塞满你的橱柜!

+life :

1 . 幸福的环境

you gain , or make money , so that your family led a better life : your ageing parents living in peace , and your kids in bliss .我们挣钱,是为了让家人有一个更幸福的环境,让父母有一个安详的晚年,让孩子有一个欢乐的童年.

2 . 生命来

guard the secret with your life : tell it to no one !用你的生命来严守机密,请不要告诉任何人!

+life -

1 . 与真人

eight engineers have taken 200 man - hours to assemble the quarter of a ton life - size robot .八名工程师花了200个工时装配出一台250公斤、与真人大小一样的机器人.

2 . 有效含量

the horse looks so life - like .这可能是由于连续对开花期性状定向选择的结果,也可能还与群体有效含量和选择强度引起的遗传漂变有关。

1.A: Drink that? B: Not on your life!



LIFE 日本人气女歌手YUI(吉冈唯)专辑single中的一首曲子 发行日期:05.11.9 是人气动画[死神]第五季片尾曲,05年10~12月播出期间 ~yui - life~ 作词: yui 作曲: yui 编曲:northa+ 泥だらけよ驵染めない都会で 同じように笑えない うつむいて歩いたの 急ぎ足ですれ违う人たち 「梦は叶いましたか?」 アタシまだモガいてる 子供の顷に戻るよりも 今をうまく生きてみたいよ 怖がりは生まれつき 阳のあたる场所に出て 乮手を広げ

