1 . The book of Leviticus, in the Bible, tells us about religious law.
2 . Nine times these words are repeated in Leviticus .
3 . Leviticus 18:22 - No man is to have sexual relations with another man; God hates that.
利未记18:22-不可与男人苟合,象与女人一样; 这本是可憎恶的.
网络释义 -Leviticus1 . 勒维人之书
2 出离之书 Exodus3 勒维人之书 Leviticus4 民数之书 Numbers
2 . 利未记
您的位置:>>>>旧约 -- 利未记(Leviticus) -- 第3章2006-8-4 03:13
3 . 肋未记
圣经耶利哥之战以色列人有否死伤 ... 出埃及记出谷记 Exodus 利未记肋未记 Leviticus民数记民长记 Numbers.
4 . 上路
上路(Leviticus) 因为我的configure在没有与用户进行交互的条件下自动地确定了系统的能力,我决定把生成它们的程序称作Autoconfig。
相关词条+Leviticus 211 . 利21
Hezekiah should have been more careful in the type of heas the priests had been instructed by Moses regarding the type of woman they could marry ( Leviticus 21 : 7 , 13-15 ) .希西家实在应该在择偶的事上更加小心。摩西也曾指示祭司们该娶怎样的配偶(利21:7、13~15)。
+Leviticus Rabbah1 . 大利未记
...,包括《大创世记》(Genesis Rabbah)、《大出埃及记》(Exodus Rabbah)、《大利未记》(Leviticus Rabbah)、《大民数记》(Number Rabbah)、《大申命记》(Deuteronomy Rabbah),.
+Leviticus 21 : 71 . 利21:7
Hezekiah should have been more careful in the type of heas the priests had been instructed by Moses regarding the type of woman they could marry ( Leviticus 21 : 7 , 13-15 ) .希西家实在应该在择偶的事上更加小心。摩西也曾指示祭司们该娶怎样的配偶(利21:7、13~15)。
+Leviticus 21 :1 . 利21:
Hezekiah should have been more careful in the type of heas the priests had been instructed by Moses regarding the type of woman they could marry ( Leviticus 21 : 7 , 13-15 ) .希西家实在应该在择偶的事上更加小心。摩西也曾指示祭司们该娶怎样的配偶(利21:7、13~15)。