1 . Hell, if I had an ass like that I'd wear a leotard .
该死, 如果我有个像那样的屁股的话一定会穿一条紧身连衣裤.
2 . Not a CD or a suggestion for a leotard ( does Madonna ever wear pants anymore? ).
不是一张CD或者一个关于紧身连衣裤的建议 ( Madonna还穿裤子 吗 ? ).
语源early 20th cent.: named after Jules Léotard (1839–70), French trapeze artist行业释义网络释义 体育1.体操服
-leotard1 . 低领口紧身衫裤
...leopard-like cotton piletrim visor hat 豹皮状棉绒镶饰遮阳帽leotard低领口紧身衫裤lepeth cable 铅聚乙烯包皮电缆
2 . 紧身衣
3 . 舞袜连裤
星巴克创始人: 承认罪过,从心开始 ... 舞衣;舞服 dancing dress 舞袜连裤 tights; ballet tight; leotard防雨蓑衣 coir raincoat.
4 . 紧身舞衣
... 紧身短内裤 briefs 紧身舞衣 tights; ballet tight; leotard紧身裤 panty girdle.
相关词条+black leotard1 . 黑色紧身衣
he stood there in a black leotard and black rubber pants , black rubber boots . around his neck hung a thoroughly fucked guitar .黑色紧身衣,黑色皮裤,黑色皮靴,他就这样站在那里,脖子上挂着一把十足糟糕的吉他。
+wear the leotard1 . 身穿紧身衣
therefore , he became one to wear the leotard , to bring the headgear , to cover oneself real status evil difficult adversary , the nickname “ the dragonfly variant ” .于是,他成了一个身穿紧身衣、带着头套、掩盖了自己真实身份的罪恶克星,外号“蜻蜓侠”。
+tights, leotard1 . 紧身衣忏
socks 短袜tights, leotard 紧身衣忏handkerchief 手帕
+leotard is worn1 . 穿紧身衣
with them that is cutting broken hair , leotard is worn on , the " of individual character of a suit " that issuing big canister pants dresses up true still a bit antipathetic .和她们那剪着碎发,上穿紧身衣,下着大筒裤的一身“个性”妆扮还真有点格格不入。