美['leftɪsts]n.左派的支持者( leftist的名词复数 )网络左翼分子;左派人士;左翼人士;左派的
1 . Two of the men were leftists and two were centrists.
2 . We find the leftists assuming leadership and becoming the spokesmen for an ideal of international revolution.
3 . A band of leftists took over the consulate.
4 . Human rights are also not something new leftists bring up very often.
5 . The leftists derive their theory not from Confucius, but from Marx.
左翼人士的理论并非来自孔夫子, 而是来自马克思.
网络释义 -leftists1 . 左翼分子
A band of leftiststook over the consulate ., 一群左翼分子接管了领事馆.
2 . 左派人士
the Senate bill contains no a government-run insurer , which angers leftists; some want to revive this controversial notion .参议院的法案没有包括政府经营的保险公司,这会激怒左派人士,一些人想重提这个富有争议的观点。
3 . 左翼人士
lefthand 左方的, leftists左翼人士, leftie 左撇子
4 . 左派的
many European leftistssee things quite differently , viewing Islamism as a potential ally against the American demon , and this has real consequences .然而,许多欧洲左派的看法迥然不同,他们将伊斯兰主义视作潜在的反美盟友。
相关词条+leftist president1 . 左翼总统
parties Hugo Chávez , Venezuela's leftist president , won a narrow majority of the vote in the country's legislative election .在委内瑞拉的立委选举中,左翼总统乌戈?查韦斯的反对党险胜。
2 . 左派总统
more of them favour the market economy , and most take a dim view of Hugo Chávez , Venezuela's radical leftist president .他们大多数支持市场经济,而且多数对于委内瑞拉激进左派总统HugoChávez采取悲观看法。
+those leftists1 . 那些左派人士
those leftists , holding a slim majority in the two years' existence of the National Constituent Assembly , did a remarkable job .那些左派人士,在成为国民制宪大会上微弱多数派的两年中,他们的工资非常出色。
+new leftists1 . 新左派
for new leftists has always been the countryside , which they point as a prime example of market-economy failures .农村始终是新左派尤为关注的一块领域,他们视之为市场经济失败的最佳实例。
2 . 新左翼分子
human rights are also something new leftists bring up very often .新左翼分子也不常提及人权。
+of leftist1 . 对左派
as the political establishment moves to the right the concern is are now informal marks of disapproval of leftist views will be legislated into law .随着政治形势日益右倾,令人越来越关注的是目前还是以非正式的形式出现的对左派意见的非议,将来会不会被写入法律。