1 . Religion: The people of Mongolia are predominantly Lamaist Buddhist, with 1 4 % Muslim minority.
宗教: 喇嘛教为国教,居民多信奉喇嘛教,穆斯林占4%.
2 . Grand visitors came then to honour the Lamaist Order in His Sacred Person.
网络释义 -Lamaist1 . 喇嘛教徒
Zolaist 左拉主义者Lamaist喇嘛教徒ptolemaist 天动说信徒
2 . 喇嘛塔
...remains from cremation of Buddha’s or saints’ body喇嘛塔 Lamaistpagoda
3 . 喇嘛
A typical Lamaisttemple , spiritual refuge of the Kalmucks ., 典型的喇嘛庙宇 , 正是喀尔玛克人的精神依归.
4 . 喇嘛的
grand visitors came then to honour the LamaistOrder in His Sacred Person .大游客就尊荣他神圣的秩序的喇嘛的人。
相关词条+a typical Lamaist1 . 典型的喇嘛
a typical Lamaist temple , spiritual refuge of the Kalmucks .典型的喇嘛庙宇,正是喀尔玛克人的精神依归。
+Lamaist architecture1 . 喇嘛教建筑
Lamaist architecture usually takes two forms : one is palace-style wooden building similar to temple , the other is blockhouse-style stone chambers .喇嘛教建筑一般有两种形式,一种是和佛寺相近的宫室式木建筑;
+Lamaist pagoda1 . 喇叭塔
... cremation of Buddha’s of saints’ body喇叭塔Lamaist pagoda楼 storied buildings
+Lamaist temple1 . 喇嘛寺院
2. Lamarck's theoryLamaist temple 喇嘛寺院lamasery 喇嘛寺院
2 . 喇嘛教寺庙
Xilituzhao Temple is the largest Lamaist temple in the H ? hhot area , and once the center of power of Lamaism in the region .席力图召寺是呼和浩特地区最大的喇嘛教寺庙,曾一度是蒙古地区喇嘛教的权力中心。