1 . I'm not staying as a paid lackey to act as your yes-man.
2 . And who would have thought that Fredo would become a lackey of women?
3 . Full as a lackey, a Hara, the pro - Japanese as slaves!
十足的一副奴才像, 一副哈日 、 亲日的奴才像!
4 . Lackey asks: " Gentleman, how to buy wine without money? "
仆人问: “ 先生, 没有钱怎么买酒? ”
5 . Advocate the home is afraid that he is cheated, clique lackey follows.
主家怕他欺骗, 派仆人跟去.
同义词 creature parasite satellite dependent 语源early 16th cent.: from French laquais, perhaps from Catalan alacay, from Arabic al-ḵāidthe chief英英释义网络释义noun1.a male servant (especially a footman)
2.a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage
-lackey1 . 仆人
lacker 瓷漆lackey仆人lacking in 缺少
2 . 走狗
...这些狗,一开始是从亚洲引进的,甚至从罗马时代就用来看门走狗:lackeyNow that a tunnel has been built through the mount.
3 . 走卒
lackadaisical adj.无精打采的,无兴趣的lackeyn.卑躬屈膝者,走卒lacklustre adj.无光泽的,呆滞的
4 . 马屁精
2006年2月15日 - 现在“I LOVE YOU”流行新解:一个极其愚蠢的(Insane)马屁精(Lackey)和一个丑恶(Odious)泼妇(Virago)之间的暧昧关系所发展出的色狼(Erotic)与碎嘴(.
相关词条+a lackey1 . 一个仆人
one , the friend says to him : " I send you a lackey , do not a meal , also do not want a money . "一次,朋友对他说:“我送你一个仆人,不吃饭,也不要工钱。”
+lackey moth1 . 侍从蛾
lacerated 撕裂的lackey moth 侍从蛾lactase 乳糖酶
+lackey and lackey1 . 仆人和仆人
in the evening stay because bedding is insufficient , host and host sleep , lackey and lackey sleep .晚上留宿因被褥不够,主人和主人睡,仆人和仆人睡。
+lackey says1 . 仆人说
take lackey this to carry the Beijing on baggage to go to again try , suddenly babushka is blown to fall wind , lackey says : " Cap be born . "这次又带仆人挑行李上京赴试,忽然头巾被风吹落,仆人说:“帽落地。”