1 . Libra sees life as a pure mental exploration, while Cancer's experience is more tactile, more kinesthetic .
秤看人生仿佛是纯粹的精神领域的探索, 而蟹的经历则更为感性.
2 . For the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and tactile, we should take full advantage of different cognitive styles.
听觉型-视觉型-动觉型-触觉型学习者, 训练策略应是充分发挥各自的认知优势, 因势利导.
行业释义网络释义 医学1.运动觉的,肌肉感觉的
-kinesthetic1 . 动觉的
kinestheter 动觉计kinesthetic动觉的kinestheticafter effect 动觉后效
2 . 肌肉运动知觉的
kinesthesia 运动觉kinesthetic肌肉运动知觉的kinetic 动的
3 . 动觉
进挪任何形式的肢体接触,“动觉”(kinesthetic)的简称。Kino Escalation 进挪升高
4 . 视动的
visual kinesthetic视动的visual
相关词条+kinesthetic memory1 . 动觉记忆
kinesthetic impulse 动觉冲动kinesthetic memory 动觉记忆kinesthetic method 动觉法
+kinesthetic receptor1 . 运动感受器
1. kinesthetic stimuluskinesthetic receptor 运动感受器Kinetal lens 金纳泰耳镜头
+kinesthetic stimulus1 . 动觉刺激
kinesthetic sense organ 运动感觉器kinesthetic stimulus 动觉刺激kinetia 晕动病
+kinesthetic illusion1 . 动错觉
kinesthetic hallucination 动幻觉kinesthetic illusion 动错觉kinesthetic impulse 动觉冲动