1 . This is hateful to Jehovah, who will certainly punish the land.
这是耶和华所厌恶的, 他必须降祸于这块土地.
2 . And Jehovah said to Satan, Where have you come from?
2耶和华问撒但说, 你从那里来?
3 . One of the creatures Jehovah created, the Cardinal claims, was Agonistes.
4 . And he believed Jehovah and He accounted it to him as righteousness.
5 . Its flashes are the of fire, A flame of Jehovah .
所闪的光是火的闪光, 是耶和华的烈焰.
英英释义网络释义noun1.a name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH
2.terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
-Jehovah1 . 耶和华
2 . 耶和华的
but My people do not know ordinance of Jehovah.我的百姓,却不知道耶和华的律例。
3 . 上主
but Jehovahsaid unto me , Say not , I am a child ; for to whomsoever I shall send thee thou shalt go and whatsoever I shall command thee thou shalt speak .但是上主对我说:“你不要自以为年轻,尽管到我差派你去的人当中,向他们宣布我命令你说的一切话。
4 . 华渚
A great Earth Country a spiritual Kingdom , Jehovah' s Kingdom , must be sure to stand towering !, 一个伟大的地球国 , 灵性的帝国 , 华渚的帝国 , 必将屹立!
相关词条+Jehovah will1 . 耶和华必
for Jehovah will go before you , And the God of Israel will be your rear guard .因为耶和华必在你们前头行,以色列的神必在你们后面护卫。
+Jehovah Jehovah will root1 . 耶和华必拆毁
Jehovah Jehovah will root up the house of the proud ; But he will establish the border of the widow .耶和华必拆毁骄傲人的家,却要立定寡妇的地界。
+Jehovah's Witnesses1 . 耶和华见证人
...耶和华见证人(Jehovah's Witnesses)是1870年代末查尔斯·泰兹·罗素(Charles Taze Russell,1852/2/16-1916/10/31)在美国宾夕法尼亚州的阿勒格尼(Allegheny,现已归入匹兹堡市)发起,属于基督宗教非传统教派的一支。早期使用圣经研究者为名称,亦称为.
+and Jehovah1 . 2耶和华
and Jehovah said to Satan , Where have you come from ?2耶和华问撒但说,你从那里来?