

分类: 英文单词 




1 . These changes can be made relatively easily and inexpensively in existing facilities.



2 . New employees can be trained to perform the job quickly and inexpensively .


3 . Although one of China's richest men, he dresses inexpensively and lives in a modest Beijing apartment.

虽然身为中国最富有的人之一, 他衣着简朴,住在北京一间简陋的公寓.

4 . This arrangement lets Dell buy chips inexpensively and benefit from Intel's generous co - marketing programmes.



1.in a cheap manner;

a cheaply dressed woman approached him in the bar

2.with little expenditure of money;

I bought this car very cheaply


1 . 花费不多地

文档简介 ... pick out 挑选出 charge n. 费用;命令;负载vt. 使充电;装载;对…索费vi. 充电;索价;记在账上 inexpensivelyadv. 廉价地,不贵地;花费不多地.

2 . 不贵地

3. 不果断不贵地inexpensively不过onlymerelynomorethanbuthoweveronly

3 . 廉价地

Itead of prioritizing bandwidth allocation , users can inexpensivelyoverprovision band-width when they need to suort delay-sensitive traffic such as voice and video .当用户需要支持对延迟敏感的流量,如声音和视频图象时,他们可以廉价地获得很大的带宽,而不用对带宽进行优先等级分配。

4 . 便宜地

the U.K.' s national mapping agency , Ordnance Survey , uses the Semantic Web internally to more accurately and inexpensivelygenerate geographic maps .英国的国家地图测绘机构英国地形测量局(OrdnanceSurvey)内部使用语意网,以求更精确、更便宜地制作地理地图。

相关词条+inexpensive way

1 . 不昂贵的方式

I've learned … That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks .我懂了…微笑是改善容貌的一种并不昂贵的方式。

+inexpensive plastic

1 . 便宜的塑料

an inexpensive plastic or wood modeling tool , a small bowl of water , some paper towels , a formica or waxed paper working surface , and a simple drying rack are the essentials .一个便宜的塑料模型或是木头建模工具,一个小的水碗,一些纸巾,一张特殊工作平台或是蜡纸工作台,和一些烘干架子。

+an inexpensive

1 . 一种廉价

voice over ip offers your business an inexpensive alternative to toll free numbersip ., 语音业务提供了一种廉价的替代您免费号码.

+inexpensive ways

1 . 廉价的方法

the solution to the proofing problem is to find inexpensive ways to use the same inks as the big press to print on small quantities of the actual substrate of the final product .解决校对的问题是寻找廉价的方法,使用相同的油墨的大出版社印刷的小批量的实际基板的最终产品。

