网络释义 -hypercritic
1 . 苛评家
hypercorrectness 矫枉过正hypercritic苛评家hypercritical 吹毛求疵的
相关词条+by any hypercritical1 . 用伪善
I take the official oath today. with no purpose to construe the Constitution or laws by any hypercritical rules ( Abraham Lincoln .今天我正式宣誓…没有用伪善的原则去解释宪法或法律的意图(亚伯拉罕·林肯)。
+hypercritical world1 . 虚伪的世界
Kurt Vonnegut , a famous 20th century American writer known for his black humor , describes some absurd characters such as Billy pilgrim , Edgar Derby in his Slaughterhouse Five to disclose the cruel , hypercritical world as well as the absurd life美国20世纪著
+hypercritical flow1 . 超临界水流
hypercritical 超临界hypercritical flow 超临界水流hypercryalgesia 冷觉过敏
+hypercritical rules1 . 伪善的原则
I take the official oath today. with no purpose to construe the Constitution or laws by any hypercritical rules ( Abraham Lincoln .今天我正式宣誓…没有用伪善的原则去解释宪法或法律的意图(亚伯拉罕·林肯)。