

分类: 英语语法 


1: _____several times about it, but he could not give the correct answer.   
A. Being asked  B. Having been asked   C. he would ask   D. He had been asked  

12: _____ the days went on, the situation there got worse.  
A. With  B. Since    C. While   D. As  

13: _____everybody is here, let’s set out right away.  
A. With   B. Since   C. while   D. As  

14 The science of medicine, _____ progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.   A. to which    B. in which   C. which   D. with which   15: We must do the experiment carefully________ Miss Liu told us.  
A. what    B. since  C. as   D. while   16: Tony will never forget these days ______ she lived in China with her mother,  _____ has a great effect on her life.   A. that; which   B. when; which    C. which; that   D. when; that   17: ______ I know, they will go to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games in 2008.  A. Since    B. so far as    C. In case    D. As if   18: ---What are you anxious about?    
---________.    A. Whether we can succeed      B. If we succeed    
C. do we succeed              D. That we can succeed 19: You should put the dictionary _____ you can find it easily.  
A. where   B. the place   C. the place on which  D. what   20: She said to me, “I’ll tell you the result of the test _____ I know it.”  
A. because    B. the moment   C. after  D. though   【答案解析】    11—15: DDBBC  16-20: BBAAB

