
Reported questions 间接引语问句

分类: 英语语法 

Reported questions 间接引语问句

When we report what people say, we usually change the tense of the verbs to reflect that we are reporting – not giving direct speech. This pattern is followed when we report questions and there are also other important changes between direct questions and reported questions.


Yes/no questions


Direct question:"Do you like working in teams?"

直接疑问句: “Do you like working in teams?”

Reported question: He asked if I like working in teams.

间接引语问句: He asked if I like working in teams.

When we report yes/no questions we use ‘if’ or ‘whether’.


• Direct question:Did you enjoy the party?

直接疑问句: “Did you enjoy the party?”

Reported questionen:She asked me whether I’d enjoyed the party.

间接引语问句:She asked me whether I’d enjoyed the party.

The tense of the verb changes as it does in reported speech but we don’t use auxiliary verbs. The word order is the same as in an affirmative sentence.


Questions with a question word


• Direct question:"What time does the train leave?”

直接疑问句: “What time does the train leave?”

Reported question:He asked what time the train left.

间接引语问句: He asked what time the train left.

When there is a question word (what, where, why, who, when, how) we use that question word in the reported question but there is no auxiliary verb and the word order is like an affirmative sentence (‘what time the train left’ not He asked me what time did the train leave.)

当句子是带疑问词(what, where, why, who, when, how)的疑问句,我们在间接引语问句里要用那个疑问词,但是没有去掉助动词,而单词的顺序要按照肯定句的模式。(是‘what time the train left’ 而不是 He asked me what time did the train leave.)

Look at some more examples:


• Direct question: “Who did you see?”
• Reported question: She asked me who I’d seen.
• Direct question: “Where did you go to school?”
• Reported question: He asked me where I’d gone to school.
• Direct question: “Why are you crying?”
• Reported question: She asked him why he was crying.

Notice that the reported questions do not have a question mark at the end.


Indirect questions


Similar to reported questions are indirect questions.


• Can you tell me what time the train leaves? NOT Can you tell me what time does the train leave?
• I’d love to know what he said to her. NOT I’d love to know what did he say to her.

