
Stative verbs 静态动词

分类: 英语语法 

Stative verbs 静态动词

Some verbs are not usually used in the continuous form, even when we are talking about temporary situations or states. These are called stative verbs.


• So, we say I’m sorry, I don’t understand rather than I’m not understanding.

1. Stative verbs are often verbs connected with thinking and opinions.

1. 静态动词经常是一些和思考和意见相联系的动词。

• She doesn’t know what to do NOT She isn’t knowing what to do

• Do you agree with me?
• I don’t recognize it, do you?

Other verbs in this groupinclude:


believe, doubt, guess, imagine, mean, remember, think

2. Other stative verbs are connected with feelings and emotions

2. 其他静态动词是跟感觉和情绪联系在一起的。

• I like this song. Who sings it? NOT I’m liking this song

• What do you want to do now?
• I hate my new boss!

Other stative verbs in this group include:


dislike, love, prefer. want, wish

NB – although ‘enjoy’ is a verb of emotion, it is used in the continuous tense


• I’m enjoying the party.

3. ‘see’, ‘hear’, ‘taste’, ‘smell’, ‘feel’ are verbs that describe senses.

3. ‘see’, ‘hear’, ‘taste’, ‘smell’, ‘feel’等描述感官的动词

These verbs aren’t usually used in continuous forms. They are often used with ‘can’.


• It smells of smoke in here. NOT It’s smelling of smoke in here

• I can’t see anything. It’s too dark.

4. Stative verbs describe things that are not actions.

4. 静态动词描述那些不是动作的事情。

Look carefully at these 2 sentences.


• He smells of fish.

• He’s smelling the fish.

The second sentence is an action – not a state. The man wants to know if the fish is OK to eat.


• I think we should go to Croatia for our holiday this year.
• Sorry, what did you say? I was thinking about my holiday.

The first sentence is an opinion but the second sentence is an action.


