第十节 贮存贮存”的英语常用表示法是Storage.本项中常用的一些短语有:store (keep) in a cool and dry place 存于于阴凉干燥处away from light 避光away from children 勿让儿童接触protect from light...
第十一节 其他项目上述10项是绝大多数英文药品说明书中必备项目,但是许多说明书中还常常出现其他一些项目。例如:1、特点(Characteristics),2、性质(Properties),3、药代动力学(Phamacokinetics),4、用药过量(Overdosage),5、相互作用(Inter...
5. Interactions或drug Interactions(相互作用,或药物的交互作用):本项内容主要是介绍药物合用时的注意事项。例11 Temaril tablets should not be administered with 4 hours of medications contai...
An Italian study that compared the food intake of kidney cancer patients to those without the disease reports that a diet high in bread may increase t...
Diabetes Treatment Disappoints in New Study细胞移植法治疗糖尿病遭遇尴尬The cell transplants did free patients from insulin shots, but only temporarily: within two y...
Tips for Preventing Insulin Resistance预防胰岛素抗拒的技巧—— A healthy diet and lifestyle can go a long way in preventing insulin resistance, diabet...
Coffee as a Health Drink? Studies Find Some Benefits咖啡是否是一种健康饮料?Coffee is not usually thought of as health food, but a number of recent studies sugges...
As Children Suffer, Parents Agonize Over Spinach毒菠菜折磨孩子,父母操心The hardest moment came when Elaine and Dennis Krause's 9-year-son, who had stoically ...
Childhood obesity:What parents can do儿童肥胖父母怎么办?Over the past 30 years,the rate of obesity in the United States has more than doubled for preschoolers ...
法医病理学专业英语授课常用专业词汇(第二部分) 一、 尸体现象 (Postmortem phenomena) 1.Livor Mortis (尸斑) 2.Rigor Mortis (尸僵) 3.Body Temperature (尸温) 4.Decomposition (尸体腐败) 5.Mummy ...