一、情景对话(1)Shall we take up the question of inspection today? 今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。The inspection of commodity is no easy job. 商检工作不是那么简单。 Mr. Black is talking...
英文 中文Carrier船公司N VOCC N on VesselO peratingComm n Carrier无船公共承运人BookingSheet订舱单S O ShippingO rder装货通知书Shipper发货人Exporter出口商Consignee收货人N otifyParty通知人...
Shall we take up the question of inspection today? 今天咱们讨论商品检验问题吧。 As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods has its special importa...
Inspection Certificate 检验证书 1.certificate of weight 重量证明书 2.certificate of inspection certifying quality & quantity in triplicate issued by C.I.B....
acceptance policy 核保政策accounting period 结算期aggregate limit 累积限额aggregated loss 累积损失antiselection 逆选择ART (Alternative Risk Transfer) 新型风险转移balance 所欠款项...
十分有趣的英语经济名词 做商务的人,有些经济名词是不可不知的。下面是一个经济名词的小集合,看看你都知道了吗? 1. air pocket 气囊:指一种股票的显而易见的极其虚弱性。 2. backdoor listing 后门上市:一家公司因其自身未能符合交易所上市规定,便买进一个上市公司,将自身并入...
外贸付款与银行帐目用语往来帐目 account current 现在往来帐||存款额 current account 销货帐 account sales 共同计算帐项 joint account 未决帐项 outstanding account 贷方帐项 credit account||credit...
PAYMENT FORM FOR CREDIT CARD为支付会议费用,我愿意用以下信用卡支付:□ Visa信用卡 □ 美国运通卡 □ 万事达卡(信用卡用人民币支付并且将在卡中扣除4%的手续费)I would like to make the payment for the conference b...
1. What risks is the People's Insurance Company of China able to cover? 中国人民保险公司承保的险别有哪些? What risks should be covered? 您看应该保哪些险? What kind of ins...
Insurance Policy (or Certificate)保险单(或凭证)1.Risks & Coverage险别(1)free from particular average (F.P.A.)平安险(2)with particular average (W.A.)水渍险(基本险)(...