I can give you a definite answer on the price terms.我可以就价格条件答复你方。You wish to have a discussion of the price terms of washers.您是想谈谈洗衣机的价格条件吧。Yes, all o...
DM210 is equivalent to 400 RMB.210德国马克折合人民币400元。Don't you wish to employ RMB of ours? US Dollars might be adopted.如果你们不同意用我们的人民币结算,美圆也可以。Are you a...
Price is hovering between $5 and $8.价格徘徊于5至8美圆之间。We regret we have to maintain our original price.很遗憾我们不得不保持原价。Price is easy.价格疲软。Price is easy off.价格...
Price is turning high(low).价格上涨(下跌)。Price is high(low).价格高(低)。Price is rising (falling).价格上升(下降)。Price is up (down).价格上涨(下跌)。Price is looking up.价格看涨。...
价格priceBusiness is closed at this price. 交易就按此价敲定。 Your price inacceptable (unacceptable). 你方价格可以(不可以)接受。 Your price is feasible (infeasible). 你方价格是可行...
On the outer packing, please mark wording, "Handle with Care". 在外包装上请标明小心轻放”字样。 Every 100 dozen should be packed in a wooden case mark...
We agree to use cartons for outer packing. 我们同意用纸箱做外包装。 Could you use cardboard boxes? 你们用硬纸板箱包装吗? It would cost more for you to pack the goods in woo...
《外贸实务口语句型及对话》内容全面,涵盖建立业务联系、推销、询价、报价、订货、质量、支付条件、装运、保险、签订合同、索赔、补偿贸易等外贸工作中的各个环节。是非常精华的外贸英语资料。有MP3音频文件以及外贸英语句型和情景对话。外贸实务口语句型及对话第1课:Establishing Business R...
Discount and Commission折扣和佣金Brief Introduction佣金一般是中间商因介绍交易或代买商品而获取的报酬。作为中间商因其有一定的贸易渠道,所以通过其开展交易已是国际贸易中的一种普遍做法。佣金一般来说分为:明佣和暗佣。明佣是指在合同中已明确确定下来的佣金。暗佣是指在...
What do you think of the packing for fireworks? 您认为礼花怎样包装? The packings are in good (bad) order. 包装完好无损(破损)。 The packages are intact. The packing is b...