Agency (Agent) Applied for1. Hearing from our correspondent that you are looking for an agent in this city, we are pleased to apply for the post.2. Ha...
Agency and Agent1. I inform you that I have been appointed the Sole Agent in Tokyo for The Goodrich Rubber Co. New York City.2. We advise you that we ...
A New Partner Admitted1. I inform you that I have taken into partnership with Mr. Y. Yokota, who has for many years acted as my manager.2. The busines...
Retirement of Partners1. We have the honour to inform you of the retirement from this firm of Mr. T. Toyoda, He is retiring solely on account of serio...
Opening a Branch Office1. I inform you that I have recently opened a branch establishment for the sale of my woollens at 10. Jimbocho, Kanda.2. As the...
Dissolution of a Partnership & Winding-up of Business1. We inform you that the partnership existing between us in the business of wool has this da...
Merger of Firms1. We the undersigned, herewith inform all our esteemed correspondents that the two firms which have carried on business hitherto under...
Reorganization of a Partnership1. We inform you that our business, which has been carried on most successfully for the last twenty years, will be turn...
Establishment of a New Firm - Beginnings1. We acquaint you that we have established ourselves as general agents under the title of Chambers & Co.2...
Establishment of a New Firm - Bodies1.It is our intention to confine ourselves to the wholesale business of silk goods.2.The new firm will devote its ...