Discussing the DetailI will be here at a quarter to eight.I will look out for you at three.Shall I come with you part of the way?Is there anything you...
Accepting InvitationI would love to.That is a great idea. what time shall we meet?Sure. I would love to come.Yes , that would be nice. Shall I meet yo...
Declining InvitationI am not quite sure whether I am free.I am not sure.It depends.Maybe. Maybe not.It looks as if I am not free tonight.I am not free...
Receiving GuestsWe are glad you could make it today.I am so pleased you cold come.We have been expecting you.Let me have your coat.You can leave your ...
GratitudeThank you for inviting to tea.Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.Before we say good –bye, I would like to thank you for all you hav...
When will the meeting be held?Where shall the meeting be held?Who will be invited to attend the meeting?Who will be the host of the meeting?The board ...
Shall we begin, ladies and gentlemen?I believe you've all had a chance to read the minutes of our last meeting.Shall we accept them as written?I m...
A:Good morning,Miss! Have you opened a new business of commission insurance in your bank?B:Yes.We have a new business called Bank-Insurance Link.It is...
A:Good morning,Xiao Wang!B:Good morning,Mr Brown!A:Will you please tell me what the charge agency service is?B:You may entrust us as an agent to pay t...
A:What can I do for you?B:I want to pay the electricity charge.This is the Charge Card.A:Well,sorry to say that you cannot pay it here for overdue.B:W...