China's economy will grow by 10.3 percent in the first half of 2006, then slow marginally for a full-year expansion of 10 percent, the central ban...
Four objectives of the speech To offer information; 提供信息;To entertain the audience; 使听众感到乐趣;To touch emotions; 动之以情;To move to action; 使听众行动起来;...
How to closeTo repeat your opening; 重复你的开头;To summarize your presentation; 概括你的演讲;To close with an anecdote; 以趣事结尾;To end with a call to action; 以号召行动...
HOW to use gesturesMake sure all your gestures are smooth and natural; 所有的动作都应该流畅自然;Don't put your hands in your pockets; 不要把手插在口袋里;Let your hands...
HOW to dressDark colored suits or dresses; 穿深色西装;Red ties or scarves; 空朴素的白衬衫或上衣;Black shoes,freshly polished; 戴红色的领带或丝巾;Very little jewelry -worn dis...
How to use equipment Check light bulbs,electrical power,cable connections,outlets and contacts,switches and any moving parts;检查电灯、电源、线路的连接、插座和触电、开关以及一...
What to sayPlan well in advance; 预先计划好;Make sure you fully understand your role in the program; 保证自己充分了解在活动中的角色;Devote care to structuring your speech...
Keynote speechA Keynote speech is to outline the subjects to be addressed by other speakers at an event,and to establish the tone of a meeting or prog...
W外部审计 external audit外国直接投资 foreign direct investment (FDI)外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves外汇调剂 foreign exchange swap外汇占款 the RMB counterpart of foreign ...
《经济学人》,也叫《经济学家》(The Economist)杂志,于1843年在伦敦建刊,以独立和全球化的视角着称。说它是杂志,其实它是以报纸的身份注册的。经济学家每周四晚上在世界六个地方同步印刷,每周六全球同步出版,4-5期/月,同时于当天晚些时候在网上更新最新一期的内容。经济学家是一本完全国际化...