

  • 商业演讲之新春联谊会

    Happy New Year, everybody!I am very happy to see all of you here to celebrate the arrival of a new year. In particular, I am delighted to have the att...

  • 商业演讲之年终餐会

    We want to thank all the people here for taking time out of your busy schedule at the busiest time of the year to come to our year-end party.Tonight w...

  • 商业演讲之生日宴会

    Bob has always been a great boss,and I'm sure everybody agrees with me.I have never met a person who is as understanding and patient as Bob.We hav...

  • 商业演讲之欢送离职人员

    Today is one of the happiest and saddest days in my life.I am very happy that Mr.Jones has been promoted to the director of the Los Angeles branch.How...

  • 商业演讲之欢迎国外的公司考察团

    I am very happy that you have come all the way from the United States to visit our company.We are very proud and honored to have a distinguished group...

  • 商业演讲之对新进职员致欢迎辞

    I am Seabow,president of this company.First,I would like to express to all of you here our sincere welcome.As you all know,our company is one of the b...

  • 个性化服务

    Last fall I was asked to speak to 3,000employees of a large supermarket chain in the Midwest on building customer loyalty1) and regenerating2) the spi...

  • 如何与难对付的老板相处

    A difficult or abusive1) boss can poison2) the best of jobs.But you are not powerless;before you even consider quitting,try the boss-taming strategies...

  • 助你成为工作明星的良方

    Robert E.Kelly,a consultant for major corporations and a professor at Carnegie Mellon University,has written a book entitled How To Be a Star at Work,...

  • 如何利用工作压力

    What would you say when you are under work pressure,stressed out and frantic1)”orchallenged and energized2)”?There's very little physi...

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