2004年北京时间6月8日凌晨6时23分,搭载着雅典奥运圣火火种的宙斯”号飞机抵达北京首都国际机场,这是奥运圣火首次飞抵北京。9日,将有148名来自各行各业的火炬手参与大规模的奥运圣火传递活动。China Daily上有这样的报道:The 148-member list contains...
2004年5月17日凌晨,国际羽联汤姆斯杯决赛在雅加达结束,中国队以3-1击败丹麦队,夺回阔别12年的汤姆斯杯。在此前结束的2004年国际羽联尤伯杯决赛中,经过近四个小时苦战,中国女队3-1击败韩国女队,连续第四次捧起尤伯杯。外电中的报道是这样的:China's dominant men...
2004年3月23日,北京奥组委宣布开始面向海内外广泛征集北京2008年奥运会的吉祥物。征集吉祥物是奥运会准备工作的重要组成部分。北京奥组委副主任蒋效愚先生说:I hope we can find a mascot which can represent China and also be cher...
I'm going on holiday in March./3月份我要去度假。DialogueA: What will you doonSpring Holidaysbreak this year?A: 今年春节长假你要做什么?B: I'm not sure. I'd li...
DOHA: With precocious skills, dynamic personality and raw strength, it's little surprise fans are comparing China's top female footballer Ma X...
Three new world records in the women's 58kg weightlifting was a gift to the host Doha, said an official in Chinese sports delegation in Doha on Su...
A: Fu Mingxia became the first Chinese woman with 5 career medals.A: 伏明霞成为中国首位拥有5枚奥运金牌的女选手。B: She's a diving Diva.B: 她是跳水女皇。A: Yes. Eight years ag...
I'd like to learn Spanish too. /我还想学西班牙语。DialogueA: I wish I could speak more languages.A: 我希望我能讲更多的语言。B: Me too. I'd like to learn Spanish to...
How much is this? 这个多少钱? A: These look good quality. And better prices.A: 这些看起来质量不错。价格也便宜。B: And there's a good selection. Lots to choose from.B: ...